Ephesians 4:32

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Ephesians 4:32

NIV: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

NLT: Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Meaning: A parable that is very much related to this verse is the parable of the Unforgiving Servant which was the bible lesson at the camp Megan and I are at today! [Matthew 18:21-35] So basically, in this parable there's a king who decides to collect money from his servants and this servant in particular owes him a lot of money, but doesn't have it at the moment. So he begs the king to have mercy on him and the king does and says that he doesn't owe him anything... He wiped his slate clean! This is like what Jesus did for us. We are all sinners, have all messed and made mistakes and we can't 'repay' or fix our sins. We aren't at all deserving of Gods forgiveness but, like the king in this story, God wipes our slate clean and forgives us completely of all our mistakes... He sent his own son to die for us so we can eternally like with Him! Then there's the second part of the story... So right after the king forgives him of the huge debt, the servant goes up to one of his friends who owes him a small amount of money and tells him to pay up, but the friend can't so the servant throws him in jail! When the king found this out, he was furious and threw the unforgiving servant in jail too. So you see, because of the incredible forgiveness God shows us, we need to pass that forgiveness on to people around us! It can be hard to do but just remember what Jesus did for us... He died for you and me which us the ultimate example of forgiveness!! So show it to the people around you :)

God bless you all! Thanks for reading and remember how much you are loved by the creator of the universe! ❤


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