Psalm 95:1

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Psalm 95:1

NCV: Come, let's sing for joy to the Lord. Let's shout praises to the Rock who saves us.

Meaning: For me personally, music is a huge part of my life. I mean my singing skills aren't that great, but I can play a select few instruments well. Although it's something I'm not particularly good at, I love it (especially when I'm worshiping God with it.) In my opinion music it's self is incredible. It's through worship song that I connect most with our God. Although it's not for everyone, singing to an worshiping God is incredible! I know for a fact some people don't really like to sing to God because they don't think they can sing well. Here's my advice:

I honestly sound like a half dying horse when I sing, that's the honest truth. However, God has made us each with certain talents, if singing isn't yours, who cares! God made you this way, he doesn't care what you sound like. When you paise The Lord through song, just leave it all out on the floor. The beauty in song way overpowers your singing abilities!

Okay, so this week my challenge to you is to search for some more Godly music. I personally listen to wayyy more non Christian music than I do Christian music. But, there really is so many great Christian artists out there that appeal to every genre. Join me in discovering some more great Christian music this week guys! YouTube is a fabulous place to discover new music and artists! Common guys, we can all shout our praises together!!


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