Micah 7:15

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Micah 7:15

NLT: “Yes,” says the LORD,

“I will do mighty miracles for you,

like those I did when I rescued you

from slavery in Egypt.”

ESV: As in the days when you came out of the land of Egypt,

I will show them marvelous things.

Meaning: So for the Bible reading Taylor , Megan and I looked at for our camp training focus a lot on the Israelites- their experience in Egypt, their journey in the promise land. God did some incredibly remarkable things during this time, the plagues he put over the land, the parting if the red sea, having people exactly in the right spot for each part of his ultimate plan to come together! It's so great to read, you really get to see God's awesome power through his actions! So when God says he is going to do miracles like the ones he did in Egypt, they must be pretty amazing!! So take a look around in your daily life! God is working in the things and people around you, and whether they are small or large, my God does miracles! Look around and notice those things!

Shorter post for tonight, and it's almost Friday!!

God bless :)

~ Katie

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