~Truth By Candlelight~

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Today I wanted to do something a little different :) My bible has a lot of really great pomes in it and as I was reading today, this on caught my attention. I have a the LIVE Bible and it's filled with not only Gods word but lots of awesome extra things such as the poem I read in it today!

"Truth By Candlelight"
Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted. Light a few candles-enough so that you can read what follows.

Read Genesis 1:26-27. Several times. Out loud. Emphasize different words. Savour the feeling of truth rolling around your mouth. Hear it drift into the shadows as you speak.

You are wondrously made.

Deliberately made.

Not a creature of coincidence.

Not a random consequence.

Wondrously. Deliberately. Made.

Crafted by God.

Crafted for a purpose, a promise.

A gift not to be squandered.

Or cheapened.

Or tossed aside by others...or yourself.

Wondrous. Deliberate. Loved.

Loved in a way that cannot be ignored.

Loved with a passion that inspires a response.

How will you respond to God's love?

Embrace it? Reject it?

Either way, it's a response.


Respond now...right now.

With words...or tears...or laughter.

Soak in God's love. Open your hands, your heart to it.

You were made for it.

••• I find those to be such incredibly powerful and comforting words. This poem talks about so much amazing stuff! God loves each of us so so much and we are to respond to his love, either embrace it or reject it. We are also worth so much in God's eyes and we were made for a reason! We are created in HIS image. "Soak in Gods love" He loves you so much, so soak in his love and embrace it :) He is such a loving God and cares about each of us more than we can imagine! He loves us so much that he gave his one and only son, as John 3:16 says, so that we can live in heaven with God forever! That is quite the love and something I'm so glad I can experience ❤

One final thing- the verse I mentioned in today's post [Genesis 1:27] is posted in our book! Check it out, it's a fantastic verse!

Hope you enjoyed this different post today!


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