Proverbs 12:24

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Today's verse: Proverbs 12:24

NIV: Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.

NLT: Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and become a slave.

Meaning: Hard work is one of the most important things, it might seem difficult or daunting at the time but in the long run in pays off. If God had been lazy while he made us do you think we'd be as great as we are today? No, of corse not! Some of us would be messed up, some of us would be the same and a good job just wouldn't have been done. The long hard thought and time he put in to making us is incredible! Always remember that hard work like that always pays off. If you get hired for a job working at a restaurant and you are lazy and don't do your job your boss will be disappointed. The same goes for when your lazy an neglect showing God to others. He doesn't want to see you do only half the job. In the end, your laziness will catch up to you and you'll end up having to do the work anyways. Another example is my field hockey team. The tryouts were brutal but I pushed through it and worked hard to make the team. If I would've been lazy and not tried at tryouts I would've been cut. But all the hard work at tryouts payed off. I made lots of friends and the girls are all so sweet. We also had our first tournament yesterday and today! All the hard work you put into things in life dose pay off. Always remember this.

Take action: You can't say you haven't been lazy before, we all do it! Although, sometimes all you need is a little motivation! One of the things I do to try and get motivated is to listen to Christian music each morning! It's a great way to start off the day and makes me want to work even harder! If you guys know any good Christian music leave some in the comments! I'm open to suggestions and lots if new music!

Anyways I'm so tired from our two day tournament and I'm writing this on the bus on the way home so I apologize if there are lots of errors! I had a great tournament and we did pretty great! I hope y'all had a great Saturday! The posting scheduel should return to normal once again!


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