Chapter 67 (Zotl of the Ice Orc's)

Start from the beginning

Teh Fuk.

Without me noticing everyone had moved away leaving us both in the Snowy ground.

[Aisha! Why did You Walk Away!] (Me)

[Playing along?] (Aisha)

You Bitch!

The Blue Dude Takes his spear out of the ground and gets ready.

[Reid! Get Ready!] (Blue Dude)

How Did Things Escalate Up To Here!?!

I Sighed.

I was about to take out the Bloody Butcher sword but then I remembered the Bound Dagger magic spell I had obtained.

Since this isn't a death match, I used 100 MP Mana Ball with the Bound Dagger spell.

The Mana Ball is highly configurable now so I made sure that It won't break after one hit and each hit will lay down a small Seismic shock while also making the blades around 14 inches, a little bit bigger than a 30cm ruler. The quite surprisingly large dagger conjured up in my hand. It's completely Translucent with a hint of blue coursing through it.

I also focused my mana on my legs to give me some additional movement speed.

[Before we begin, Let's introduce ourselves once again? I am Evan Langford of the Silver Daemons Tribe!] (Me)

He nodded.

[I Am Zotl of the Ice Orc Tribe!] (Zotl)

Ice orc? That is....... Interesting? Why haven't 50+ Fantasy games use Orc and not make up an Ice Orc? IT SOUNDS COOL!

Pun Intended.

He holds the Spear diagonally downwards with both of his hands. 

I started running towards him and had failed to put the snow into account. It restricted my movements a lot, when I came near him he swung his spear horizontally and time slowed down a wee bit cuz of my passives but I reacted accordingly and jumped.

His spear swung beneath me and I immediately swung my Translucent blade. I was surprised by my own speed because it was only like a flash of light.

It blade hit his head and a small shockwave occurred knocking him back.


Skill Unlocked: Dagger Master.

Dagger Master: Increased damage with daggers by 3%


I Feel Legendary!

Though the damage isn't that much but all the other things Are!

Zotl shakes his head and looks at me. Though he has a Home Ground advantage but I'm more Awesome!

He stands up and runs at me like there's no snow here and swings his spear in a wide arc while making sure he's not within my attack range.

I stood my ground and hit his spear with the speed of Flippen light and a small shockwave comes from our clash knocking his spear back.

I dash forward and he immediately tries to guard his chest with one hand. 

I activated High rise to complete the fight right here and now.

What I Didn't expect was that his arm would be cleaved off, there's still some ice left of the hand chopped off. 

The shockwave happens and it just shoots the cut off arm to the Flippen shadow realm while knocking Zotl into the air.

In a real fight, I would continue this combo but I'm pretty sure I won.

Zotl falls down on his belly in the snow. 

I was waiting for the Victory sound but nothing happened. I looked around and there's not a speck of worry on all the Ice Orks.

Zotl slowly rises up with the help of his spear. I looked at him confusingly and the "Cut off" arm just starts regenerating. All the Ice forms back into the hand and the bastard hold the spear with both hands showing no signs of having his arm just be flippen cleanly cut off.

[Regenerating Limbs... Wait, How long is this match?] (Me)

[Till I give up or you.] (Zotl)

Okay, you're cool. Alright, I get it. But! Don't Forget the fact THAT I'M HOT!

I conjured up a 50 MP mana ball with "Blaze Trail" magic spell that makes whatever I step on, catch fire. I also added a Seismic strike and a bit of range.

I slammed the fiery Mana Ball on the ground which exploded to the surroundings in a fiery manner.

All the snow around me melted and the ground had caught on fire. It looked like a scene from Hell, only I was the demon.

The Blazing Fire didn't hurt me but Zotl's Legs were slowly melting. He was sweating and the others looked horrified. This isn't even the extent of my Powers. I used Mana ball Conjured up a Dude, bigger than Zotl and made entirely out of Mana and fire.

Oh, and I gave him a Fiery Bound dagger as well.


Luna POV:

I'm scared, Will the Kids be okay?

Evan's doppelganger is reading the Kids a story from a book on the bed, but I'm not scared about that. Hope has gone through some traumatizing experience. Anything can easily scare her right now and she really needs suppor-

The Doppelganger just stops reading and looks up.

[My time has come.] (Fake Evan)

He just starts vanishing into dust.


[Papa?] (Faith & Hope)

They slowly realize what happened as tears begin forming on their face.

Everyone in the house stormed in trying to calm the two kids down.

{Author Note: For those wondering what happened, Without any buffs, you can not have more than 1 Summon at a time. so when Evan conjured up that Fiery magical Dude, it rid of his previous summon or in this case the doppelganger.

*Back to Evan*

I heard a Loud "STOP!" coming from the peanut gallery which mortified Zotl as he impales his spear in the ground.

[I Give Up!] (Zotl)

I Immediately cancel up all my magical constructs.

I looked back, and there's a big Ice Orc Old Woman holding onto a Saphire Staff.

[What's the meaning of this?] (Old Woman)

[I was sparing Evan to check that he's not running away from his trouble and facing them head on like a true champion.] (Zotl)


[Ah, Evan is it? wasn't it Ried before?] (Old woman)

Looks like she's the Chief around here.

[I Was Ried, now I'm Evan.] (Me)

[I heard about you from the others. Come, you must be tired from your journey. Shani! Please prepare tons of food for our guests.] (Old Woman)

A short, cute Ice Orc girl nodded and went into a house. by short, I mean a tad bit bigger than me.

Aisha: When Did you Learn all Those Spells!

Evan: For Someone who left me alone. I ain't answering.

Aisha: Alright, sounds reasonable.

Walter: I just hope this all finishes up quickly.

Evan: But this is "Cool" Right?

Walter: Goddam it Evan.

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