Chapter 66 (Village of Blue Dudes)

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Evan POV:

Walter: About time you guys come save my ass. Now Let's hurry up back and get me up. It's really boring staying as a ghost you know.

Evan: Wellllll, we can do that. Or, we can go to that Village nearby and check it out?

Walter: WHAT!?! Why!?

Aisha: Honestly Speaking, I also want to check out these Blue guys.

Evan: Those who don't wanna go to the village, raise your hands.

I waited a moment.

Evan: Looks like everyone wants to go to the Village.

Walter: That Condition is Unfair to Me! I'm DEAD!

Evan: Well, maybe you shouldn't be dead.

[Alrighty then, Let's Go!] (Me)

Walter: I hate you all sometimes.

I looked around to get a better understanding of my surroundings.

There are dead trees around me which are probably Boreal wood trees. They're the strongest type of wood and the best to get a hold of in early stages of Terraria, aside from that, the snow is just below my knees so walking is going to be really hard. The weather's clear and we still have some hours before the sun sets. 

Before going to the Village, I chopped some of the trees down together with Aisha and also mined the ground for snow and Ice blocks. With snow, I can create snowballs which is an actual throwing item that's categorized the same as a striker for some apparent reason I don't know of.

With the Ice blocks, I can make Ice torch with which I can make Frostburn Arrows, which are also the best arrows at the Beginning of the game.

When we got a good number of these, we started walking towards the Village as the three of us started talking among each other.

[Hey Aisha, Have you really been lazing around from the time you came here?] (Me)

[How rude, I've been learning magic diligently as I should.] (Aisha)

[Anything aside from that? anything that can make us go one step closer in going back home? or anything weird you've noticed?] (Me)

[Hmmm, I did notice how some of the NPC's have a dead like character.] (Aisha)

[What do you mean?] (Me)

[I started talking to the NPC's about what they had been doing before meeting me. And, those who had a past, had a character representing that kind of past. But, those who didn't.....] (Aisha)

Walter: ......are like dead but alive Human beings?

[You can say that.] (Aisha)

[ many are like that? you know "Dead".] (Me)

[So far, I've noticed the Nurse and the Party girl like that.] (Aisha)

Now that I think about it, the Nurse only talks to me when I talk to her or to report to me for any kind of order I have given her. She also talks in a really monotone-like voice almost robotic.

Wait hold on.

[You already have the party girl with you?] (Me)

[In the Castle, yea.] (Aisha)

[Which leads to the next weird topic, how come we both have the same NPC's at our houses?] (Me)

[You mean how we both have a Nurse?] (Aisha)

[Yea.] (Me)

[I don't know, but the guide might know something.] (Aisha)

[Maybe.] (Me)

We kept talking while walking and in just a few minutes we reached the village called Northreach inhabited by blue people.

The village was quite small, there was a huge dark wooden fence post that surrounded the whole village. The fence was bigger than me by quite a large margin, I was almost half its size.

The place is quite small, I can't imagine there being more than 50 of these blue guys.

These blue guys are flippen huge, I don't even reach as high as the shoulder to the smallest one over there if compared shoulder by shoulder while at average I'm pretty sure that I'm below their chest. 

They're all wearing some kind of Half-sleeve leather shirt and that's it, the shirt is quite big as well, just above their knees. Their hands and Legs are made of some kind of blue crystal, it looks like blue ice if you ask me. Their hands look like normal Hands like the humans but made of crystal up till their elbow and their legs are a little bit weird, Their legs look like normal human legs but theirs are made of some kind of crystal and the front part looks like a blade, i saw someone 's foot when they were walking and instead of human like feet, their's 3 spikes, a large one on the front and two smaller ones on the back adjacent to each other.

I can see some of the unusual Blue guys in the village walking around, talking to each other or ready to go out in the snowy wilderness.

[Wow, they are freaking huge.] (Aisha)

[Let's go inside?] (Me)

Walter: This ain't no Rpg where you'll get a new quest for going in a village.

[Yep, Let's go and explore a bit before going back.] (Aisha)

Walter: Don't you all think they'll be vary of strangers?

[Well if they were, then they would have hidden this place well, and there aren't even any guards protecting the entrance so I guess a quick stroll wouldn't hurt.] (Me)

Walter: Fine, but only a Quick stroll.

[Alrighty Then!] (Me)

As we nonchalantly walked inside. I heard a scream from nearby.

[Humans!] (???)

I'm having a bad feeling about this.

All the blue people looked straight at us and it's a little bit nerve wracking when all the huge people look at you like that.

[Evan, how about we ditch this place and run like hell?] (Aisha)

[We should talk first, It's not like they'll kill us even without warning.] (Me)

Walter: Whatever you do, don't get killed. otherwise it's game over.

Oddly enough. no one was coming to us, they were all staring at us curiously like they've never seen a human before.

One of the guy holding a Giant ass spear came up to us.

[Reid? is that you?] (Blue dude with spear)

.....Not this shit again.

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