Chapter: 25 (Trish's Burden)

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Evan POV:

[Well then. Let's Rock and Roll!] (Me)

Trish clenched his teeth and charged at me.

I made a small smirk and used parry.

Sparks flew as Trish was knocked off balance.

I Swung my Blazing sword at him twice before Kicking him to gain some distance.

-5 (Slash)

-4 (Slash)

-2 (Kick)

His armor is gonna be a pain in the ass.

I used my Grappling Hook behind me and gained tons of distance.

I peeked at the others and Lucy had Stars in her Eyes while the "Queen" was Shocked.

Oh yea, Oswald was watching in amaze too.

I took out my Silver bow and Applied Siege.

My legs were fixed with the floor and I aimed my bow in front of me.

There are three modes in Siege.

1) I shoot multiple Arrows with one shot, Kind of like a shotgun.

2) I Start Shooting in a burst form. It's quite fast and accurate at the same time.

3) I Shoot a single Sniping arrow. It takes time to charge and also some mana but after firing, the arrow is imbued with Wind magic and a Tornado is formed at the Sharp point of an arrow.

So it would look as if the arrow is carrying a tornado with it.

Obviously, This guy needs to be taught a lesson so I Imbued Siege skill with spark magic and fire sparks started to come out of my shoes and also the bow.

I started to charge the sniping arrow and Fire sparks started to come out of the arrow.

Trish saw what I was doing and charged at me again.

I made a smirk.

[Bring it on.] (Me)

I let go of the arrow and a Blazing Mini tornado was Formed on the arrow.


gg Trish.

It ravaged everything near and in front of its path.

Everyone was horrified.

Trish had some nanoseconds to react with and attempted to duck. Though it was not good enough but the arrow whistled past his face and Struck on the Stonewall with sound so terrifying as if a Lightning struck. A fire was sent Everywhere near its impact and Cracks formed on the wall.  

Everyone had their jaw opened except for Trish who was frozen still.

There was a small burn and a small Cut left on Trish's face. Blood trickled down the injury too.

I nodded at the destruction of the arrow and before Trish charged again........Readied another arrow.

[WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!] (Girl Queen)

[What? our fight is still going.] (Me)

[Thats just a One-Sided Battle!] (Girl Queen)

[So?] (Me)

[What?] (Girl Queen)

[He's the one who wanted to fight me. It's his choice if he still wants to keep fighting me or not. Though my conditions still stand.] (Me)

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