Side Story (Tifa part:1)

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*3rd person POV*

The sun was setting down slowly, making the golden/orangish sky, dark and broody.

as the sun was setting, in a dense forest, A woman was sitting on a tree on one of its thick branches, admiring the sunset as she fiddled with her short-sword, wasting time.

She had beautiful black straight hair that reached below her shoulder accessorized with a long golden pin on the backside of her head, supporting her long hair. She had a slim body and brown eyes. She wore a black leather tight shirt and black pants along with black thigh-high boots that made her turn invisible in the shadows. But the most noticeable thing was her long ears. An Elf, her name was Tifa.

*Tifa POV*

I kept staring at the sunset as I fiddled around with my silver short-sword.

Why did it all become like this? If only I had more mana. Us elves always have more mana than what any average race ever has. I guess I should attribute that to the fact that I'm a Half-Elf.

And even a Human and Elf half-blood.

I made a troubled sigh.

Due to my inability to function a lot of mana, the only occupation I could take was the Assassins occupation.

I don't mind that all that much since I'm almost always out of the kingdom. The elves don't take too kindly to half-bloods, so it's actually a blessing to stay away from that hypocritical place.

An assassin's job was also not that well respected in the kingdom. Everyone would usually choose archery or magician occupation. And because of that and also because of my half-blood. Nobody taught me anything about my job.

I had to teach myself on how an assassin actually works. Unlike what most people think, Assassin's occupation is more about spying for information instead of assassinations.

I couldn't help but let out a sign at how much the elf discriminates. The only one that stood by me during these tough times was my bigger step sister. 

Her name is Sarah. Even though she was a pure elf she would take care of me as how a bigger sister, and how a family actually would.

I'm here waiting for her like always when we partner up every now and then. we could meet up back at the kingdom, but that's trouble for both myself and her. At this point, I don't want to increase any of her burdens.

I wasted some more time until I finally felt a presence beside me

Before I even looked. I heard the same familiar greetings.

[Hey Tifa! How's my little sister doing!] (Sarah)

I smiled a bit and looked at my side to find Sarah standing at the start of the thick branch that I was sitting on.

She had blonde hair tied to a twin ponytail and was about a head smaller than me. She looked like a 15-year-old human girl but she's actually older than me. She also wore black clothing but I'll bet it's only for the mission.

[Hello Sarah, I was starting to miss your company.] (Me)

[Ohhh, is my little sister worried about me? I'm flattered.] (Sarah)

We both gave a small chuckle.

She really likes to call others little, since she hates how short she is.

[Well before anything you remember the rules of working together right?] (Sarah)

[Yes, Captain.] (Me)

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