Chapter 17 (Queen Elf and yet again another Misunderstanding)

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(Evan POV) :

Tifa somehow managed to get rid of the misunderstanding.......again. and Sarah was out of breath, she probably ran here straight without stopping for a rest.

[You're *pant* lucky Tifa stopped me from killing *pant* you. Every time Tifa is alone with you *pant* you make her cry. There is no way I can trust you with her. *Pant*] (Sarah)

[S-Sis I told you that it wasn't his fault. It's just............](Tifa)

Tifa said and Started to play with her fingers and smiled a bit. 

[I was happy.] (Tifa)

Sarah was shocked.

[D-Dont tell me] Sarah said as she pointed her trembling hands at me. [YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!?!]

[NOO!!] Tifa screamed and blushed a little bit.

Sarah sighed in relief then looked at me before saying [If you ever hurt Tifa remember that I will kill you.]

[Awesome. Now let's go to the elf kingdom before, you know. It's destroyed?] (Me)

[We're almost at the border. Follow me and don't go on ahead like before.] (Sarah)

I nodded and started to follow her. She would jump from trees to trees and I would use my Grappling Hook Obviously. 

I kept my pace slow this time.


[We're finally here.] Sarah said and they both took off their robes. Revealing their tight black leather shirt and pants.

We were on the ground now and it's still midnight. The only thing in front of us is trees and a small path in the dense trees that leads to darkness.

[We were a bit faster this time weren't we?] (Tifa)

[It's because of Mr. Gotta Go Fast over here who couldn't give me a break...........that reminds me, what was your name?] (Sarah)

[Evan...... Or Reid. Whichever you prefer.] (Me)

[Alright, Evan then.] (Sarah)

I heard a small rustle from the darkness and went on guard with my shotguns equipped on both hands.

[Don't worry, it's probably just th-] Sarah couldn't complete her sentence as her eyes went wide looking at the figure coming towards us. Tifa was also shocked.

The person coming towards us was a 25-30-year-old woman with a skin as white as porcelain with long ears and yellow straight hair that almost touched the floor. She had a flower crown on her head that was decorated with....... day bloom I presume, day bloom looks like small sunflowers. She wore a long green Chinese dress which was imprinted with golden flowers as design.............her chest was also huge.

[Y-Your Highness!] They both said as they kneeled on one foot and looked down.

[W-What?] (Me)

[Ara, how are my 2 kids faring? Looks like you two brought a friend along too.] She said and looked at me.

She had the most graceful and motherly voice I have ever heard of. And I was still confused and stood still.

[Uhhh.......... Hi, I'm Evan. How are ya.] (Me)

She chuckled a little and it sounded like bells Ringing in the air.

[Im fine and At ease you two. Has he caused any trouble?] (Elf queen)

They both stood up and looked at each other before looking back to the queen.

[ N-No, your highness.] (Tifa)

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