Chapter: 12 (Preparation 2)

Start from the beginning

[Alright please write it in this parchment.] (Guard 1)

He handed me a parchment and a small wooden stick whose end was sharpened and had some black ink leaking out. I wrote details and left.

The outside of this gate was much more plain with lesser trees. And wider view. And I could also see the mountain in the distance. I started to run towards it.

In a few minutes, I reached the mountain and there was a large hole at its base. It was also lit up by torches and went straight down. I equipped my zombie arm just in case and ventured down below.

I need some iron right now and if possible some life crystals to increase my Max HP. After that, I need to explore the surface at night again for some fallen stars. That way I can increase my total Mana. But the amount I have is also good enough since it requires only a second to recharge even if I have completely used it up.

Then I need some blinkroot that only grows deep within caves. And open some chests underground. I'm definitely going to need Hermes boots for this fight if it does happen as they can increase my speed by tons of levels.

I was thinking of my needs as I ventured below.............

*Tifa POV*

*During the time Evan reached the human kingdom*

my sister and I went towards where that silver daemon had built the small shack. I was leading the way.

[Are you sure this will work?] (Me)

[Of course!] (Sarah)

She said brimming with a smile.

After finding out more about the silver daemon in question, we found out that their entire castle was annihilated. No info about how and when it happened. What we do know is the whereabouts of the king and queen of the silver daemons kingdom. It must be tough living like that and also moving on. 

We finally found the small shack-like wooden house.

[This is the one.] (Me)

[Then let's give a big knock!] Sarah proceeded to knock on the door a loudly.


The door opened up. but there was a human inside rather than the silver daemon in question. The human had brown shabby hair.

We both were in shock and couldn't move. This will be hard to explain back to the Adventurers Guild.

He looked at both of us, as if trying to identify us.

[If you're looking for my master then he isn't here.] (Human) 

After saying that, then proceeded to close to the door.

[W-What?] (Sarah)

[That was an unusual reaction. The one we usually would get would "Look an Elf! So Amazing and Beautiful!" Or like those... And did he say master?] (Me)

Sarah again knocked on the door.

[What are yo-] before I could respond the door opened again.

[Yes?] (Human)

[Where can we find the silver daemon who made this house?] (Sarah)

He looked at us suspiciously.

[Why?] (Human)

[Because we have some Amazing news for him!] (Sarah)

[...........if you're looking for him he went straight east from here. He won't come back for some time. Maybe some hours, maybe some days, maybe some weeks. There is a human kingdom in that direction so his destination was probably there.]

He then closed the door shut.

[What were you thinking!?] (Me)

[Getting info? What else is there?] (Sarah)

[But what if he tells others about seeing Us!? What Then!?] (Me)

[Relax, he already saw us. So make the best use of it right? Plus if we don't tell anyone about this encounter then no one will know.] (Sarah)

[BUT........... Hah, forget it.] (Me)

I can never win against her in logic.

[Okay Then! We're heading for the human kingdom!] (Sarah)

[W-What!? No!] (Me)

[Wha-? Okay then you head back home I'm going alone.] (Sarah)

She pouted.

[Why are you Going to the Human Kingdom!?] (Me)

[To find the silver daemon? Duh?] (Sarah)

[I don't think He's worth that much Trouble!] (Me)

[When I say that I will do something, that means I do it. Even if it means playing the human kingdom a visit. So, are you coming or not?] (Sarah)

[...........*sigh* Well, I'm already here might as well then?] (Me)

[YAH HOO! Then Let's Go!] (Sarah)

I had a bad feeling about this as we both headed for the human kingdom.

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