Being ignored

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"Well.. where are they?"

"They're at the hospital having a baby, god who are you?" She said really confused why I was here and asking all these questions.

"I'm Daves daughter and violets bloody sister... where is she can I come into my own house?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well how do I know it's you? You don't even have a key to your own house!" She moaned.

I couldn't believe this bloody girl. "Look, What's your name?"

"Emma." She smiled.

"Right, Emma, I'm Jenna Coleman remember me? We went to school together... no? Okay uh well... this is my house, I can guarantee that there is a picture of me somewhere in there. Get violet! She'll tell you." I sighed trying to think things through.

"She's in bed." Emma said finally giving me something other than a scowl.

"Well get her up, she won't be asleep yet anyway, it's like 8 o'clock she's never asleep by now." I explained.

"Alright, wait here." Emma said and then she shut the door. I took this time to ring Dad and Rachel and they didn't reply. I sent a text asking what was up and then I text Richard letting him know what was happening.

- - - - -

"Jenna!" Violet said running towards me in her pyjamas and then giving me a huge hug.

"Hey cutie," I said to violet kissing her forehead and then standing up to talk to Emma. "Get it now?"

"Come in then." She smiled.

"Violet where is mummy and daddy?" I said stepping in the house and just taking in how amazing this place was.

"Mummy's having the baby." Violet nodded happily. "I can't go yet. I'm not allowed." She pouted.

"Ah hey if I can contact daddy then I'll go and take you with me." I winked at her and then smiled. "But maybe for now you should get some sleep incase we have to go soon and you don't want to be tired when you meet your new sibling."

"Alright." She smirked as she trailed back upstairs and I just laughed because I was thinking about how much she'd grown. She was 3 when I met her and now she 7 years old. It's just crazy.

"Well Dad and Rachel won't answer the phone so I think I'll just go find my room and go to bed too. Emma, I hate to be rude but you're not really needed anymore--"

"--I can't leave, it's not safe, I was trusted with violet and now I need to look after her." She moaned at me.

"Well phone my dad and take it up with him." I rolled my eyes and she took out her phone and dialled him I knew he wouldn't answer because he didn't answer me.

"Hello?" I heard dads voice. No. Way. He was ignoring me.

"Yeah your daughter, Jenna turned up and said I don't need to be here anymore, is that true." She said like a little bitch. "Okay um-- Jenna your dad says I'm fine to stay."

"What? Dad what's your problem? I'm fine looking after violet." I snatched the phone and put it on speaker.

"Alright fine." Dad said slowly.

"Dad actually-- why are you ignoring m..." the line went dead, he had hung up. He clearly didn't want to speak.

I thought maybe he was just in a rush, his wife was having a kid. I get it. I just thought violet and I would be at the hospital too but clearly not.

Emma started packing up her things to go. "Hey wait. You can stay if you want, I don't know if you need the money or whatever..."

"Money's not a big deal, it's just being away from the house." Emma sighed.

"Hate your home too?" I scoffed.

"Yep. Wait, you hate it here?"

"A little. I love violet of course and Dad and Rachel are a perfect couple it's just since I've been gone it's been awkward like... they moved house and I never even saw it until now." I explained really thinking about it and how out of the loop I was.

I didn't even know when my new brother or sister was going to be born. Violet face times me a lot but other than that I didn't speak much to Dad of Rachel.

"It's not a...home." I said.

"I get that. My house is a nightmare I'm an only child and it just become all about me, every conversation. There's only a certain amount of time you can tell your parents what you had for lunch that day." She rolled her eyes. "Plus my parents are getting a divorce and they think I don't know so..."

"Wow." I sighed. "That's rough. Did you not go away for uni?" I asked.

"Didn't go to university. I'm re-sitting my A-levels." She explained.

"Do you want to go to university?" I wondered.

"Yes, and I'm smart enough I know I am. I just spent all last year doing the wrong things and not studying for exams. Hell I didn't even turn up for some exams." She shook her head.

"Well.. stay here. I'm guessing this house has a million spare rooms and Dad won't be back any time soon." I said inviting this bully into a house I had never even slept in myself yet.

"Thank you."

- - - - -

"You're letting a girl that used to bully you at your old school, stay at your house?" Richard moaned at me later that night when I phoned him from what I guessed was my room. It had a J on the door and a double bed so I took it.

"Yeah, she's not that bad. It's late so we just went to bed but in the morning we will talk it out see what's up." I smirked.

"I just can't believe you're letting someone who bullied you stay in your home." Richard sighed like it was the worst thing in the world.

"We are 18 now Richard, hopefully she's old enough to stop stupid stuff like that." I laughed.

"Right okay, you're too nice for your own good Jen." He just laughed lightly. "It's gone midnight I'd better go before my parents find out I'm still down stairs after midnight!" He mocked them being sarcastic.

"See ya, Love ya."

"Love ya, bye."

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now