Finally good news

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"Hey come here." Richard said as I was staring at the floor. We were waiting to hear about Lily, she was in a doctors hands and doing some tests but I was still mad worrying about her.

"What if it's worse?"

"No, no." Richard hummed as he saw a tear slip from my eyes. "Nothing is worse than it already is I promise. It probably happens a lot I looked it up online and they said it's common."

"And you agree with what Google says?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, don't you?" He laughed kissing my head gently and stroking my back as I held on to him tightly.

- - - - -

We were finally allowed to see Lily and I was a bit on edge about the whole thing. I had hardly seen her in months and suddenly the next time I do see her she's in hospital.

I was going in with Richard, too afraid to go alone as I don't think I held his hand this tight since I gave birth to Maisie. Then as we got closer to her room I could see Lily's face clearer.

I stared at it expecting to see her in tears or being moody. Instead she was smiling, chatting away with the Doctor and joking with the nurse. Nodding and smiling as they all spoke to her.

"Richard what's happened?" I asked nervously as we came to the door and he just kind of shrugged at me and pushed the door open.


"Lily. You look surprisingly happy for someone who's in a hospital bed. I frowned looking her up and down and I glanced at Richard.

"Well I have some news." Lily smiled.

"What?" Richard asked.

"The tingling in my foot... it developed. I can now feel my feet and parts of my legs." Lily explained and I just looked a bit more confused on the subject.

"That great but--"

"We think that her spinal injury is gently fixing itself." The doctor interrupted.

"And that means..." I said sounding like an idiot.

"It could mean that in time...Lily may be able to walk again--" she continued to speak but I wasn't listening.

"No way." I yelled as my jaw dropped and I rushed towards Lily to hug her tightly.

"There's still a possibility that she'll regain feeling in her legs but walking and moving around won't be possible but in most cases like this we start a program and we teach you how to walk all over again." The doctor continued.

"Wow Lily this is great." Richard said placing an arm around her and giving her a small hug.

"I'm so stunned, I never saw this coming." I sighed. "Really, I can't believe this."

"Jen we can move back in together." Lily said excitedly.

"That's a long way down the line." The doctor interrupted.

"How long until she can start this program?" Richard asked.

"Well I'd say if you keep regain the use and feeling of the muscles over the next week or two we can start you on a course in two to three weeks." The doctor explained. "But you do have to allow for slow development and the possibility that not all feeling is regained and so you are unable to walk."

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"I'll book you in for an assessment next Saturday and the Saturday after. We'll assess your progress and how far you've come at your physiotherapy and if we see suitable we will look into courses for Lily to start." She explained.

"Wow." Lily smiled.

"Have you told anyone else?" I asked.

"I've called Mum and Matt to come in. I'll explain it to them together. I just really wanted you to know, you're the most important person in this and I need to get better so you can get better." Lily grinned and just looked so happy with herself.

- - - - -

I was watching from outside, her mum and matts reaction and they did the same as me. Their jaws dropped and they couldn't quite believe it. I was in Richards arms as I complained I was cold and he kissed my head through my hair.

"Richard can you believe this?" I smiled.

"I really can't. This is amazing. Already you seem more relaxed and happy with life." Richard squeezed me.

"I'm so crazy with happiness. I've never felt this good in all my life." I sighed. "I might call Lucy and Olivia now." I said, I had been asked by Lily to let them know as they were very important to her these days. Everyone that was in that crash has stuck together expect me and Lily being forced apart.

- - - - -

Before we knew it Lily was back at dorm, her dorm, and I was stood outside going in to meet and see everyone after months of no contact. I was in Richards arms staring at my old dorm room door and wanting to cry and then suddenly it hit me that everyone was going to be here for this celebration.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here remember?" Richard whispered as he held my hand and then took me into the room.

"Jenna!" I heard about 5 people say as I walked into the room and I couldn't help but smile. I went straight to Lily to give her a big hug and then chat for a while. We had lots of catching up to do since we hadn't seen each other in so long and we were so used to telling each other absolutely everything.

"I've missed you so much." Lily said as we sat in the corner of the room as everyone else spread out chatting and drinking. It was weird because we were in the middle of exam season and everyone was taking a break to be here. For Lily.

"You had no idea." I smiled widely giving her another hug and then trying not to cry because I was so happy to speak to her again. The guilt was still there but I felt so much better now I knew there was a way she was going to get better.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now