It's Christmas

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"Jump in." I smiled as Violet walked in from the en suite bathroom in her bedroom. Well, my original bedroom. She'd finished brushing her teeth and now climbed up into bed.

I leant over and pulled the covers up over her. "Are you cozy?" I asked. She nodded and nodded, really enthusiastically. "Really? I'm not so sure." I joked before tickling her and making her squirm into the bed then I pulled the sheet right up to her neck and kissed her forehead.

"I'm cozy now." She said.

"Good!" I positioned my cheek in front of her face and she leant up and kissed my cheek before I whispered goodnight and turned of the main light leaving her with her night light by her bed.

"Violets in bed what are we doing now?" I said walking into the lounge.

"We started this film. Wanna watch?" Dad asked as Rachel and him were snuggled on the sofa.

"Oh I'll watch a bit but I'll probably head up soon." I settled into the arm chair. I was tired, we'd travelling all day and I was emotionally exhausted too, I'm just glad to be home, for once and they didn't mention the wedding once which really made me feel better about being home.

- - - - -

"Jenna. Jenna. Jenna." I was woken up by the incessant tone of violets voice chanting my name nonstop and shaking my arm roughly. "It's Christmas!" She screeched.

"It's early." I groaned turning over and shielding my eyes from the light from the door way.

"But it's Christmas. Mummy and daddy won't let me open the presents until you come down stairs too!" She shook my arm over and over as I kept my eyes shut.

"Alright." I hummed sitting up on the edge of the bed with my eyes still shut. "Merry Christmas munchkin" I smiled tiredly and she climbed on me and kissed me on the cheek. "Now come on we've got presents to open." I grinned feeling a little more awake as I carried her down stairs.

I collapsed into the arm chair where Rachel brought me some coffee and I felt much more awake when I drank it.

Violet opened all her presents then passed around the ones for me and dad and Rachel. It was cute, I got a few things I really wanted, especially the books I had wanted.

"Violet bring me the red sack under the tree." I pointed at the dis formed sack. She brought it over. "It's nothing amazing but here." I smiled handing them each a present and the giving Violet like 3 present because I got her three small ones instead of one big one.

I'd picked a set of mugs for dad. He'd always laugh at them in the shop when we went shopping for mums present and they soon stopped selling them. But this year they had them again.

Rachel, I gave her this new cute bag I saw in the sale of a designer shop. It reminded me of her when I saw it and I've had it for a long time waiting to give it to her on a special occasion.

Violet I found difficult. There was all sorts out there for kids these days. So I bought her, against Rachel's wish, a small camera, not very expensive and kind of made for children. Then I knew she'd been begging me to buy her some books. So I got some easy reads, but classics.

I'd probably read them to her, but still, she'd enjoy them. Then I got her these cool pens and a funky pad I saw.

"Jen this is lovely." Rachel said genuinely liking the gift. Dad laughing and also thanked me. "Say thank you to Jenna." Rachel tapped violets shoulder as she sat in the floor tearing paper off the presents.

"Thank you Jenna." She squealed excitedly.

"That's okay." I smiled nervously looking around at them all as they were all so happy and smiling. It was good to be home.

- - - - -

The plan was to have family over for Christmas dinner but everyone cancelled at the last minute. Gran was staying at home for dinner with her friends, my aunt and uncle were having trouble with their newborn so decided to stay home. Then everyone else just dropped out.

So it was just is for dinner today but it was still good. Violet had camped out on the floor with all her new toys. Colouring away at a pad one minute and then asking me to read to her the next. It was pretty hectic but it was better than being in the kitchen with the newly engaged.

"Please read me this." Violet pouted placing a book on my lap. It was animal farm. To her it would just be a story about pigs and farm animals but obviously it was so much more.

Anyway I read the first chapter or two of it and I knew when she was older I could explain the history behind it all.

She sat next to me and stared at the book and I pointed at the words as I said them so she knew where I was. At some points she'd mutter the words as I spoke and I knew she was learning to read more complicated words in the process.

But she didn't get bored as she was hyper and dad was in the other room putting together her dolls house she got for Christmas.

"Is daddy finished yet?" She'd interrupt me.

"Maybe, go and check." And she'd hop of the sofa and return a few moments later shaking her head. I just laughed at how long it took dad to make it and how he refused any help. Much how Rachel refused my help in the kitchen.

- - - - -

Christmas was really nice though, Violet enjoyed it and it finally felt like a family together for once. The meal was really nice and we ate lots of chocolate and watched films and tv in the evening.

The next day was Boxing Day and well, that's when all the family came down. They set up camp from 11am to 11pm at our house and expected, once again Rachel to cook and everyone else to sit around and enjoy themselves. Of course it meant a little extra cash for me and some more presents for Violet.

Though it was a dull day and when I could, I went upstairs and I even face timed Lily for a bit.

"They're awful." I moaned.

"Tell me about it. I've got family everywhere. The twins are mad and all our relatives are basically children. They make so much noise and they're so over excited." Lily complained.

"Well mine keep asking me about Maisie. 'Where's that baby of yours Jenna?', 'I thought I heard you were pregnant a few months ago.' To be honest I thought dad kept it all a secret and suddenly aunts and uncles ice never even heard about know."

"Oh rough. What did you tell them?" Lily asked.

"The truth, that she's dead." I shrugged.

"Oh Jen." She whined.

"No, seriously I don't care admitting it and it sure is a conversation stopper. People get really awkward it's great." I smiled down the camera to her.

"People don't want to be sad at Christmas. Stop putting a downer on Boxing Day." She said.

"Why not? It gets them off my back, anyway, I have to go. People will start to wonder where I am." I smiled.

"Speak later." She called before hanging up.

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