New kid

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The rest of the holidays were pretty dull. We didn't even do much for New years because Violet would just fall asleep then anyway. So we did all stay up as long as we could but we didn't have any friends round like we usually do. We didn't go to any party even though, I'd been invited to soooo many. 

So this meant that the week or well, ten days I had at home were pretty uneventful. Other than Lily telling me to 'wallow' because I was being too happy about this break up. It wasn't that I wasn't sad, it was just that I didn't want to mope around and be unhappy when there was nothing I could do. It was truly my fault this time and I get no pleasure out of blaming myself. 

But I did take Violet shopping and it was adorable all the kids clothes are nicer than the clothes I wear, I swear. 

Oh but then it was basically time to go back to Ashford and I was dreading it. I hated this time of year. I had exams nearing and going back after having such a lovely time with family really hits home, not just for me either. 

Lily hates her home, with her cute twin sisters taking all the glory she never gets any attention. Her parents don't even care if she comes home at certain weeks off we get. As long as she's there for Christmas it's basically all they care about. 

But, Lily goes back anyway and finds it difficult returning to Ashford after such a nice time at home. She did love her sisters but they were way to annoying for lily to handle. 

"Oh I'm so glad we're back." Lily said as I met her in the car park outside school. 

"Your parents look overjoyed." I laughed looking at her mum and dad as they carried in her suitcase. 

There was talk for all parents after Christmas and so the corridors were full of parents and guardians. It was horrific. 

Dad brought Rachel with him to keep him company and left Violet with out next door neighbour as she started school yesterday and couldn't miss any. 

"Our parents seem to be hitting it off." Lily joked  as we walked with our parents behind us towards our dorm.

"Well I hope so, they'll have to be best friends and go to dinner together all the time." I said sarcastically laughing. 

"They'll travel miles across the country just for one coffee date." Lily continued to mock with me. 

We stepped into dorm and I threw my suitcase on my bed and then we took our parents to the gym to have the talk about going to university after finishing out A-levels. They were threatening people that if they don't behave then they won't get a place at Ashford.

It was suddenly becoming apparent that soon we'd be in University, well we still had a year, and that freak me out a little. I'd been doing research on Uni's for years and other than the major ones like Oxford and Cambridge and some others, Ashford was the only one I'd realistically be able to get in to. 

Obviously when I got my place here last year I just assumed that, that was it, I was in and now I had a place at one of the best Universities.

They kept saying though that if we didn't get good grades next year in our A-levels then there's still a risk that I couldn't get in. 

"Don't be so silly, if they're saying that I can get in then you, top of the class Jenna, are most definitely guaranteed a place." Lily said when I announced my fears to her. 

She'd get in because she's doing so bloody well in Maths and is planning on doing further maths next year. Also her dad speaks fluent Spanish and she learnt it growing up, so she's going to pass that no matter what. Even if she doesn't want to do it at university. 

Whereas I, am doing English next year and want to get into journalism. Everyone tells me I'm doing great because that's what they expect of me, not what I'm really like. Anyway I decided not to think about it.

- - - - - 

Starting back there's always changes around campus. Mainly new kids. They were horrific, not knowing where to go or what to do. Cool kids instantly fitting in with a group of friends and playing up from the minute they stepped in the school. 

Like this new kid, Jesse, he walked around like he owned the place. The stupid thing was, everyone liked him. He'd played stupid pranks on half the teachers and we'd only been back a week. 

Of course the populars were trying to get him to sit with us but I wasn't interested and neither was he apparently as he ignored the invitation and sat with a bunch of annoying prankster boys on the opposite side the canteen, though he was highly regarded around here as a popular boy. 

Lily had taken a rather weird approach to the new kid as well.

"Don't you think Jesse is cute?" Lily smiled across the canteen as we were all staring at him as he stood by the door being told off by the eagle. He looked so cool about it, so free caring. I thought it was idiotic myself.

"Not really he's an idiot for doing all those things." I mumbled looking down at my pathetic salad, trying my hardest to keep healthy as I hadn't quite lost all the baby weight from Maisie and I was determined to be my normal self again.

"Yeah but he's cute." Lily smiled over at him and then looked back at me quickly. "He's new, he doesn't know anyone really, perhaps he could sit with us?" She asked hopefully.

"Go ahead." I huffed turning away.

"Jesse." Lily called as he walked past us smiling cooly at us both.

"Hey, Lola right?" He pointed at her.

"Lily." She corrected. "Wanna sit with us?" She asked.

"Sure Lily." He smiled sitting down next to me which I found very awkward very quickly.

"We'll I'd better be going." I mumbled standing up throwing away my lunch as I wasn't hungry anymore. Lily scowled at me knowing I'd planned to leave them alone from the beginning. Well, I wasn't going to sit with them and watch them flirt.

- - - - -

"How did it go?" I asked Lily as she walked back into dorm.

"Really well, Jesse is so cute and he asked me out for Friday night." She smiled proudly. "Look, his number." She admired it as she held out a piece of paper with his number on.

"Wow, so nice." I said sarcastically.

"Just cause you're grumpy because you cheated on your boyfriend with your ex and then your ex didn't even want you back." Lily mocked.

"I'm perfectly happy being single thanks, and I did not cheat on Matt, it was one kiss!" I moaned.

"So you cheated on him?" Lily laughed.

"Not funny." I scowled, we'd just forgotten about it all now and well, I avoided Matt and he avoided me. 

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now