Interviews and happiness

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"Where you off to today? I feel like I haven't seen you in a week." Richard asked as I zoomed around dorm in the morning stuffing books into my bag and looking for a lipstick I had been looking for and hoping to find somewhere in the dorm.

"Busy day." I mumbled finding my bottle of water and downing almost half.

"Oh your interview of course!" Richard jumped up as if this was a big deal. "You know that there is no pressure here at all. You want to go to ashford anyway!"

"I know but this is Oxford Richard. Can you imagine if I was given a place! Oh my god." I smiled to myself dumping my bag on the floor and running back to my room to grab something.

"I don't know why you bothered applying there, you know you want to go to ashford." He sighed following me a little and standing outside the door.

"Richard I know, but this is really important to me okay? Don't ruin it." I snapped at him grabbing my last few things and hurrying to the door.

"Are you driving?" He asked in disgust. I hadn't been near a car since the accident. I had to drive it a few time but recently I haven't even looked at my car, I've been letting other people borrow it.

"No, they sent a car to pick me up. That's how fancy they are see.." I smiled. "I'll maybe see you later I was thinking on the way back I could pop by that newspaper I was telling you about so I might be back late. Eat without me, ill grab something on the road." I pecked his cheek then left in a bit of a rush.

I didn't like having full on conversation with Richard because it would usually get deep quickly and I didn't want every conversation to remind me about...stuff.

"Bye Jen." I heard him say through the door as I had already slammed it shut.

- - - - -

When I was walking to my car I saw someone in the distance and straight away there was none of this guessing that it was that someone, Because this girl was in a wheelchair. Lily.

I haven't spoken or seen Lily in about a month. I'd say maybe longer but I can't remember the last time I saw her. Even when I saw her last, I didn't necessarily speak to her then.

She looked different. Confident, actually and really happy with life. She was with Matt and she was laughing and smiling and giggling at him as they went on past the buildings.

I moved towards the car and jumped in the back checking that the car was definitely for me before giving Lily a little look again to notice she was out of sight now.

- - - - -

"Was that Jen?" Lily got really excited at the prospect of seeing her best friend for the first time in a long time.

"I don't know, probably." Matt shrugged.

"What? Are we just pretending that this never happened? That my best friend doesn't exist?" She scoffed stopping in the middle of the pathway, but luckily it was quiet so they weren't blocking anyone's path.

"It's not like that, you and I both know that she's...not well and needed some space." He nodded.

"I was told we weren't to be kept separately and what's the first thing they think to do? God, I don't even know what to think...she looked so different." Lily moaned.

"Thinner than she already was."

"And clearly tired." She shook her head and sighed as they continued walking on. "I wonder why she got in that car huh?"

"A meeting or something I'm sure." Matt nodded and Lily agreed almost instantly.

- - - - -

"You look happy, it's been a long time since I've seen you happy." Richard opened his arms as I walked into see him sat on the sofa watching tv with some of his university stud spread out around him.

"I am happy." I smiled settling into his arms as I felt his lips on my forehead kissing me gently.

"So why the smiles? What did you do? Tell me." He begged.

"Well I went for my interview and I was prepared so most of that went smoothly, though I'm still not sure, I think I just sound like a babbling idiot when I start going on about books I've read." I joked a little.

"Well thanks good."

"Yes and I was finished that by midday so I went to the newspaper, The Daily Press, the one I told you about. Honestly I've never had such a good time in my life." I sighed leaning against his body as I was very tired.

"What did you do?" He asked a bit freaked out.

"The guy I met, he showed me around the offices and the cool facilities they have and then I got to talk to real newspaper cool." I nodded getting excited.

"I'm sensing a but--"

"But the best news is that...I showed the editor some articles I've written, he liked...most of them anyway and he said he'd be happy for me to submit a piece every week to every two weeks depending my schedule." I freaked out getting really excited about this.

"No way." Richard laughed.


"I'm proud. Can you imagine what job you can get if you say you've been writing for a real newspaper." Richard was really happy for me and it was nice because it was genuine for once.

"I'm excited. I mean, I worried that I won't have time but I'm excited." I giggled curling up next to him.

"I'm excited. My girlfriend, the real writer." Richard rubbed my arm gently. "Really good day then?"

"Yeah it started terribly, guess who is the first person I see when I stop outside the building? Lily." I snapped. "She probably gave me a dirty look, I couldn't see her facial expressions well. It's her fault that she's just pissed off out of all my lessons with her and kicked me out of her dorm."

"Hey don't think about that." He reassured me. "You've for good news just enjoy that huh?"

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant