Chapter 97

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"You wanted to talk?" I ask Zayn as he takes a seat across from me on my desk chair.


"Okay, what about?" I really don't know why he's here. Maybe he needs advice on Amy?




"Because. Amy has been telling me about you and Harry's issues lately and I came to ask you something."


"What are you even talking about?"

"Do you love him?" He says and if I was drinking something, it would be all of my bed by now.

"What kind of question is that?"

"It's a question." He shrugs.

"Um, ok... And yes. I do. Why?"

"Then why would you make the same mistake as me and cheat on him?"

Oh my fucking god! Is he serious right now?

"Zayn, that's none of your business."

"But see, it is. Amy is my girlfriend, and she won't stop talking about how worried she is for her best friend. And Harry is my cousin. As much as I might hate that, it's still true and considering his own sister is dying, I'm pretty sure he'd be upset to find out that the one person he could actually depend on has lied to him."

"His sister is sick then?" I can't remember her name, but it's something odd.

"Yes, Gemma is doing really bad." See. I knew it was weird.

"Harry probably isn't doing well either. Seeing your sibling dying is one of the worst things."

If I didn't feel guilty before, I sure as hell do now. He didn't lie, and now his sister is on the verge of death and he's probably devastated. And I was so consumed in my own selfish thoughts and convinced myself that he had just run away.

"I... Oh my.."

"Yeah. You fucked up. Literally."

"I didn't have sex with the guy." I defend myself.

"But you almost did. Listen. I'm doing this because yes, at some point I was attracted to you and I care about you in a way. I won't tell him. But you have to."

"How can I tell him anything if he's half way around the world! And it's not like he's answering his phone anyway.."

"Aurora, that's not the point. The point is that if you really do love him and you want a chance back with him, you better end whatever shit you have with that Tom guy and fix this. Harry has a really bad temper and you know he'll flip when he finds out."

Zayn's right. I was trying to convince myself that maybe he would take it a little easy on me if I apologized, but now I can't even understand how I'd think that. Harry will flip if he finds out. I cringe at the thought of what he will do if he does.

"I know. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't even know why I kissed Tom in the first place. I kept having this wild idea that Harry left because he wanted to get away from me. Tom said that is what guys like him do. They have sex with a girl and then just leave them."

I am tempted to slap myself when I seeing Zayn gaping down at me. I shouldn't have said that.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to,"

"It's fine. Really. I kind of always assumed but I guess just hearing it is a little much."

"Anyway, what should I do? Harry isn't the same as Amy. She won't just take me back if I ask." Zayn looks a little offended by my comment and again, I know that I screwed up. Jeez. I'm just on a freaking roll this weekend.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now