Chapter 43

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Day 2:

I had spent the majority of day 1 studying, so I decided after returning home from school to do my homework and start cleaning my room. I hadn't yet cleared my closet of my summer clothes and I needed to bring up my fall and winter clothes. It was getting colder and shorts and t-shirts weren't going to cut it.

I cleared my closet of anything pertaining with summer and packed it away in a bin below my bed. I took out the other bin that was there and pulled out my fall and winter clothes. I set them on hangers and placed them in the closet and drawers and started on the other parts of the room.

My desk had been covered in old magazines and empty wrappers and just random crap. I pulled out a empty plastic bag from my collection I had saved over the years from many shopping trips of the past. I threw out everything besides my pencil case, lamp, and textbooks I needed for school. Since when did I have so much crap in my room?

I grabbed the vacuum from the hall closet and vacuumed up any crumbs and dirt that had somehow ended up on the floor. Lastly, I pulled out an outfit for the next day and grabbed my pajamas.

After showering and preparing for bed, I plopped down on my bed. Considering I had no one to talk to, there was nothing else to do but sleep. I tossed and turned until I finally forced myself asleep.

Day 3:

School had been very busy. I had had three tests, two quizzes, and a project due. And in orchestra, I was given a solo that I had to learn by Friday.

Harry had tried to talk to me, but something deep inside of me prevented me from saying anything back. I didn't mean to be so rude, it just kind of happened.

When me and Amy returned home, I trudged up to my room and started my homework. My mind wandered off to Harry.

Even though he had said he changed and that he would never hurt anyone like the way he had hurt his friend Joey, something about him still scared me. I hadn't realized it until now, but he was actually very scary.

His unsafe nature was a major cause for concern. He literally almost killed Luke because he was jealous, and he had bullied Joey to the point of suicide. Because he wanted to be popular.

And what if he started drinking again? Would he start robbing stores like he had when he used to drink with his friends? He got in a fight with his own father, would he hurt me? I mean, I know Harry would never intentionally physically hurt me, but what if for drunk and accidentally did it? Or what if what everything he told me was made up, another sick attempt to fuck around with me?

No, that wasn't it. Something that serious couldn't be a joke, or could it? I didn't even know Harry, who knows how far he would go to mess around with me?

I finished my homework finally at 11:30, my mind still racing with my fear of Harry Styles.

Day 4:

It rained day 4. Terriblely. Me and Amy had to sprint from the parking lot to the school. Because I was only a junior, my spot was the 3rd to last spot, and our we had to run five minutes just to get there.

Amy had been smart; she wore a pair of rain boots, a water-proof Northface and put her hair in a bun.

I didn't realize that today was supposed to rain, so I wore my Toms, my non-waterproof Northface with no hood, and a pair of sweats with a white t-shirt underneath.

By the time I made it inside, I was drenched. Students around me saw my dripping appearance and silently laughed as they pasted me.

When I reached 3rd period, Harry took one at me and started laughing. He held his stomach as I sat with down next to him.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin