Chapter 66

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I woke up Sunday feeling amazing. I had spent the rest of the day Saturday sleeping. My mom asked me what was wrong and I told her that there was some bad food at Zayn's house and I gotten food poisoning.

"Ready for church?" My mother asked when I walked in the kitchen. There was already the usual eggs and toast laid out for us.

"Yes, I am very much ready."

"You're in a good moon today... Have you and Luke made up?"

So now Luke is the cause of my happiness? What?

"Um, no. We're just friends mom."

How did she always have the ability to bring me out of feeling so happy?

"Oh, that's too bad. He would make a great husband for you."

"Husband? Mom, I literally just turned 17 a few weeks ago."

"Wait, when? What's today's date?"

I got and went to calendar hanging on the fridge.

"November 10th."

"November? Why didn't you tell me the day it was your birthday? That was nearly a month ago!"

A month ago? Wow. I guess me and Harry really hadn't talked in that long. I thought that maybe it was just the heartbreak that made time go by so slowly.

"I don't know. You and dad were working and I didn't want to bother you. You know I hate birthdays."

She frowned and rested her petite hands on her hips.

"Yes but this is the year you finally get your real license. But that's also scary, I won't be able to stop you if you drive after 11 anymore!"

"Yeah, oh well." I didn't know how to respond. Somehow she had been able to turn a perfectly normally conversation into a highly uncomfortable and awkward one.

"Here, you eat. I have to go get ready. Are you going be fine getting yourself ready?"

"Yes mom, I'm 17. Not 5."

She waved her finger at me and ran out of the room. I started to eat when Amy strolled in.

"Good morning." I told her.


She grabbed a plate and sat down at the table. She didn't even look at me as she placed random items of food on her plate.

"You ok?" I asked her hesitantly. Why was she being so rude?

"Yeah. How'd you make out with Harry yesterday?"

Here we go.

"Fine. We're better now."

"Better? Aurora, I don't know what he said to you but for weeks you were constantly crying and wouldn't talk to anyone. Now all of a sudden you're better?"

I shrugged. I really didn't feel like telling her about that Harry had told me he loved me. It was my small secret. I wanted to keep it inside and locked away so no one could know it. I smirked internally at the thought.

"You're seriously going to act like nothing happened? What did he do to you?"

My smirk fell. She knew exactly what to say to piss me off.

"Nothing. Me and Harry are finally in a good place, and I don't want to screw it up. I'd rather not say anything about him right now."

"So you think I'm going to say something? Who are you?"

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now