Chapter 38

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Harry's POV:

I watched as she spoke. The way her eyes would change shades of that piercing light blue slightly when she felt different emotions. The way her mouth her mouth altered its shape to speak different words. How her expression would change as she continued to tell me every detail.

I tried to seem not to be too interested by giving simple nods and soft grunts as reactions. I didn't want her to realize how intrigued I was. She was simply mesmerizing.

"So um, that's about it. I really don't what else to tell you. That's my life, well a condensed version. Any questions?" I couldn't help but smile. I loved when she raised her left eyebrow when she asked me a question. God, I'm such a creep. I quickly turned away and looked down at the table.

"No, I think I got it all." I answered. I wanted to grab hold of her and comfort her. It wasn't fair that her parents died in a plane crash. And that she had to be adopted. It wasn't fair she never got the opportunity to know the people that were biologically her parents. But, considering how fucked up my own parents were, I guess it was better.

And considering she had such a great friend like Amy, who stuck by her with everything, she seemed ok. But then that jackass Josh ruined her. What kind of douchebag could

even consider cheating on such an amazing person like Aurora? If I ever met him, I'd kill him.

"Well, I think it's your turn Styles." She smiled across at me. God, that smile...

"No." I responded.

I felt bad that I denied her. But I didn't want her to know me, the real me. If she knew, like Zayn had told me when I was beating the shit out of him in the pool, she wouldn't even be able to look at him. She would hate me.

"Oh come on. I just spent like 3 hours pouring out my life to you, I at least get something in return."

I ran my fingers through my hair. She was starting to piss me off. She never understood me when I told her no. She never minded her own business.

"Ok, fine. I'm Harry. I'm 17 and I go to Richmond High. Good?"

Her face fell and she grabbed her purse. She started to get up but I extended across the table and pulled her back down.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked her.

"You're kidding me right? I just spend 3 hours of my life with you, the biggest dick in the school, revealing every detail about my life, and all you has to offer me back is, 'Ok fine. I'm Harry. I'm 17 and I go to Richmond High.'" She actually did a decent job imitating me. If she weren't so mad, I would have been impressed.

"I knew I should have just run away from you when I had the chance back at the bowling alley! This whole night has been the biggest regret of my life!" She screamed down at me. She brought her purse up to her shoulder and started to jog away.

"Aurora, wait!" I called. I stood up and starting running to catch up to her.

A short, fat guy with a greasy white apron came up to me and yelled, "Hey, you can't leave without paying!"

I groaned. Great, another distraction. She might be gone by now; who knew how fast those little legs could move.

I quickly pulled my wallet out and threw whatever I had at him. I didn't care if it was way more than I owed. I just needed to get to Aurora and explain myself so she could maybe give me another chance.

I grabbed hold of the door and ran out. The night had made everything dark. I couldn't see anything besides the few cars zooming by on the highway.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now