Chapter 35

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"That won't be needed, thank you. Aurora is being driven home by me."

Before I could deny it, Harry had his large hand gripped around my wrist. I knew he wanted me to just go along with him. I desperately wanted to reject him, but I decided that considering all the fighting, this might start another one. And that was the last thing I wanted, especially in front of Mrs. Hemmings.

"Is this true, Aurora?" Mrs. Hemmings asked rather impatiently. I wondered if Luke could hear what was going on.

"Mhm." I groaned, a combination of an agreement to her statement, and pain from Harry's extremely strong hold on me.

"Fair enough, be careful. Driving can be very dangerous this time of night." She smiled wearily and then pulled away.

"So, kitten, ready to take it home?" He winked provocatively. I couldn't even believe he was doing this right now, after everything had just done to Luke. He was truly insane; madhouse, strait-jacket insane.

I spun around and started walking the other way. The cold fall air brought goose-bumps up my bare arms. I shouldn't have given Luke my jacket...

"Where are you going?" I heard Harry's voice call from behind me. I ignored it and trudged on through the parking lot. Just as I was about to step onto the side of the highway to start my walk home, a white convertible pulled up beside me.

"Get in, Aurora!" Harry yelled. Again, I ignored it and kept walking. Car after car sped by. Harry followed closely behind.

"Aurora, get in now." He added emphasis on the last word. Probably trying to intimidate me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Aurora god dammit, get inside or I will come out there and throw you in!" He was screaming now. I started to jog.

There was a slam of a car door and the rushed step of boots and before I could start running, I was being thrown over the tall boy's shoulders.

"Let me down, you dick!" I screamed as I kicked, digging my nails into the thin white material of his t-shirt. He must have left his leather jacket back in the bowling alley. I kicked him in the leg and he groaned, back kept going back.

"Harry, put me down!" I continued thrashing around in protest. He leaned down a bit, opened the car door and threw me inside. The door locked and it was too dark to see where the little knob was to unlock it. He climbed in the other side and rushed out into traffic. There was no way of escaping now.

"Let me out! I hate you, let me out of here! I don't want to be anywhere near you, let me out!" I screamed, banging on the window.

"Hey, stop it. This is a god damn expensive car. If you break it, I'll kill you." Harry didn't sound like he was kidding, so I pulled back and slumped back into my seat.

I looked out the window, but because of the nighttime, there wasn't much to see to distract me. I wanted so bad to pull the steering wheel and yank us over to the side of the road so I could get out. But if I placed my hand anywhere near him, he would probably end up doing something inappropriate with it.

"So, how have you been?" He asked calmly.

Was he kidding me right now? He had just beaten the shit out of my date, the date I had agreed to go on to get over him in the first place. Was he seriously trying to strike up a conversation with me?!

"Oh, just great. Nothing like having your date beaten the shit out of by some guy you barely even know. I'm just great."

He laughed, and I snapped toward him.

"Why are you laughing?"

He shook his curls out from his face and glanced over at me.

"Nothing, it's just funny seeing you so pissed. It's... cute. That's all."

"Cute? You think the fact that I basically want to murder you is cute? You're a fucking psycho! I wish I would have never even met you. Oh wait, I didn't have a choice in that either, now did I?!"

He gave a confused look, signaling that I had his whole attention now. I continued on.

"You pushed me down and left me feeling embarrassed while everyone was laughing at me. Not to mention you destroyed my car so I was left to walk alone in the pouring rain to school." It felt good to finally admit all the anger I had built up against Harry. He needed to understand that when I had told him I was done, I meant it.

"Wait, what do you mean destroy your car? I didn't do anything to that piece of shit."

Now he was lying to me? God, if I only had a gun right now...

"You're kidding me right? I saw you the morning of the first day crash into my car and rip off the exhaust pipe. Thanks to you, I couldn't drive for two weeks!"

He rolled his eyes and looked forward.

"Whatever, be a dick. I don't care anymore. Like I said, I'm done with you." I answered. Harry had his window down and a rush of cold air blew inside. I shivered and folded my arms over my chest.

"Are you cold?" He asked and turned to me. He seemed genuinely concerned, though I knew he probably was not. It was most likely an act to try to make me think he was a good guy, and tear me down just when I warmed up to him. I bite the inside of my cheek.

"No." I replied flatly. I tried to control my body from shaking, but my legs wouldn't stop moving.

"Yes you are. You won't stop shivering." He pressed a button and the window closed. He leaned to his side, and pressed another yet another button. Warm air started blowing from the vents.

"I just told you I wasn't, why are you being so persistent?" I knew I should have just let it go, but his random acts of false sincerity were really beginning to make me angry.

"Because, I care." He never looked at me when he said this, and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He placed his hand behind his neck and rubbed. Why was he so nervous?

"Care? Ha! Please bring me home." I looked away from him and started up at the night sky. There were so many stars I never noticed.

"Well actually, I have other plans for us tonight."

"What?" I accidentally said too loudly. I didn't mean to sound so shocked, but how could he seriously expect to let him take me anywhere? After everything that he has done tonight?

"Just shut up and let me drive." He grumbled and I shut my mouth. I knew if I talked anymore, he would probably end up bringing me to some forest and kill me. With Harry's obvious anger issues, I never knew what he would do. I sat back and closed my eyes.

I had a feeling that this was just the beginning of a very long night.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora