Chapter 94

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Aurora's POV:

"She's here!" Amy calls as I grab my jacket from the hall closet. I choose to look decent tonight- a pair of black skinny jeans with my Bruce T-shirt I got from his tour when I was ten. I top it off with a pair of black knee-high Uggs and a plain black zip-up.

"You look... Depressed." Amy comments as I walk into the room.

"How is that?"

"You look like you're going to a heavy metal concert. What's with the black?" She points to my lower half and I shrug.

"It's cold out and he doesn't seem like one to really like skirts and flowery shit like you wear."

She grabs her chest, a playful injured act and steps aside.

"Wait, he?" She holds out an arm to stop me.

Shit. I told her I was going out with a friend from school. Even though that was true, I still haven't given her the knowledge that I was going out with a guy. Well, not even going out. Hanging out. At his house.

This is starting to sound worse and worse as the idea plays over in my mind.

"Oh, I meant she. Sorry." I push past her and rush outside.

"Text me when you're coming home so I can lock the door!"

I ignore her comment and rush over to Tom's car. There is a light flurry of snow coming down, causing my eyes to squint. He goes to open the window but I wave my hands in protest. I know Amy is watching, and if she see's him, I'll have my ass handed to me on a silver platter.

I quickly slip through the door.

"Hey." He says cooly. He is wearing a leather jacket that sculpts perfectly around the muscles of his upper arms. I wonder how it would feel to squeeze those..

Wow, Aurora! You have a boyfriend! What is going on with me?

"Hi. Can you just drive?" I ask rather hastily and he scrunched his face in confusion.

"Um, ok. Are you always so pissed off?"


"No, no sorry. It's just my friend.. If she sees me with a guy she'll kill me."

He rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Even when he's in England, he's still ruining your life."

"How do you know he's in England?" I ask.

Nobody but me and Harry's family knows he's away. I didn't tell anyone but Amy. And I doubt Harry would ever tell him that.

"The guy is obviously British. You said in class he's away. It's not that hard putting two and two together."

I guess this makes sense, but it's still weird that Tom would pay that much attention to me.

"I guess."

"So, considering there was that massive shooting at the mall, I doubt we should go there."

"Shooting?" This is the first I'm hearing of this. As soon as I got home, I rushed to get ready. I haven't seen anything on TV or been online since at least Wednesday.

"Yeah. Apparently some psycho tried robbing some stores and he got caught so he just went crazy and shot up the place."

"Oh my god! Did anyone get killed?"

"No, like 20 people are injured though. Some guy tried avoiding being shot and he jumped off an escalator off like the second level or something. He broke a few bones."

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now