Chapter 86

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"Aurora. Wake up." I hear a female voice say.

My eyes flutter open.

It's Monday morning. Break is over. We have school today.

I groan and roll over, taking the pillow I was once sleeping on and putting it over my head.

"Now Ary, stop that. You have to go to school today. It's your first day back after holiday and it's the new year! Now get up!" I feel something slap the pillow and I moan.

Leave me alone!

I slowly push myself up and trudge downstairs.

The January air is not a welcome feeling against my body. Why can't my dad turn the heat up?

Amy is already seated, dressed fully in a pair of dark washed jeans, a brown leather coat and a white scarf wrapped around her neck. Her hair is hanging in loose was waves. I think I see her light brown ridding boots as well. She looks gorgeous.

"You spelt really late Aurora. You only have like twenty minutes before we go to school." Amy tells me.

"Can we drive your car today? I'm way too tired to deal with driving today."

She nods and looks down at her phone. She sighs and pushes it to the center of the table, away from her.

I grab a bowl from the cabinet and grab the box of Fruity Pebbles from the lazy-Susan.

{a/n: a lazy-Susan are those rotating things what people put shit on the their cabinets. I know it's a weird name. hey man. I didn't come up with it haHA.}

"Can I?" I look down at her phone.

"Yeah." She sighs and starts to continue eating her cereal.

I take the iPhone and open it, already knowing the password.

From Zayn

'I know we're broken up, but we need 2 talk. I miss u. U know I love u. Please meet me after school in the library so we can talk."

I close the phone and look up at her. She's eying me, watching my expression.

Well, it's after break. I made a promise. Here goes nothing.

"I think you should." I say.

She gulps down her cereal and then drops her spoon.

"You have to be kidding me. You have to be. There's no way I could ever take him back. You of all people should know that I can't! How can you seriously tell me to take him back after he freaking cheated on me?"

She's right. I shouldn't be telling her to take him back. I should be telling her the complete opposite actually. She should be trying to get his number blocked. She should be doing everything in her power to make sure she never has to see him again.

And yet here I am telling her to go back to him.

I'm possibly the worst best friend in the whole massive history of best friends right now.

"I know Amy. But think of how happy you were when you were with him. Think of how happy he makes you. You love him. You can't just let the one you love go. I thought I loved Josh when I really didn't. I was stupid. I found the person I love now. You found yours too. You can't just let him go."

"So you're telling me you spent a whole week crying over someone you "love" after he cheats on you, and you took him back too? How many times will it take for you to realize how stupid you are?"

Ouch. That one was harsh.

I place my spoon in my bowl and sigh.

"I'm not stupid. You have to realize that I do love him. A lot. And you love Zayn too. Take him back. I'm going to finish this upstairs. I'll eat up there. Try to think about what I said."

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now