Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my lovely mother singing along to her favorite Brad Paisley album. I had always liked her voice, but not at seven-god-damnned-thirty in the morning.

"Mhm," I heard a groan from my left.

"Who's singing that weirdass country music?" Amy mumbled as stretched, her toes peeking out of the blue blanket and falling slightly over the side of the couch. She was short, but even I couldn't seem to fit on that couch. I've had it since the fourth grade. Christmas was right around the corner. I hadn't known what I wanted to get. Maybe now I did...

"I'm sorry. Even though my mom has been up north for like ten billion years, she's still stuck in the southern lifestyle."

"Excuse me?" And there she was the woman of the hour. I gulped.

"Now, you stop your complaining about your darlin' mama, and get outta bed. It's time for church, young lady." My mother shouted, the music too loud.

"Mom, can you turn that down? It's like seven in the morning!" I yelled back, trying to reach my voice over the banjo solo.

"Nope." She shook her head in protest.

"Not until you're outta bed and have on your Sunday's best." She told me, walking over to my closet and started searching. She finally found something and took it off the hanger. She threw me a floral print dress and a few seconds later, a pair of bright yellow heels matching some of the rather large flowers splattered over the material. I blinked in disgust at the outfit chose. What the hell was that supposed to be?

She left a few moments later, leaving Amy and I alone again.

"Are you really going to wear that to church? You'll look like a freakin' floweriest!" Amy laughed, standing up and making her way over to the closet.

"Amy. It's fine." I tried to not sound equally mortified.

"It's only for like an hour. Don't worry about it."

"Oh, sweetie. I'm not worried for you. I'm worried for myself! I'm not going anywhere with you looking like the walking ad for Claritin!" Amy called from the closet, searching through many shirts and pants, trying to find my secret stash of dresses. I hated wearing dresses more than anything, so I had hid them in the back where I would rarely go. I guess it was my subconscious effort of trying to convince myself that my mother had never bought them for me in the first place.

"Wait, you're coming with us?" I was utterly shocked that she'd wanted to give church a try. Amy had made her atheism very apparent on far too many occasions, and I thought she would never go near a church, let alone sit through an entire mass.

"Yeah. I mean, why not? I am baptized; I have a right. Do I not?" She smiled while pulling a plain white dress from the fair blackness of the back the walk-in closet.

"Yeah, you do. But I just thought since you stopped going to church you wouldn't want to... Especially since that whole 'the papal state is brainwashing society' lecture you gave me back in freshman year."

She laughed again, pulling the horrifying floral dress from my arms and replacing it with the white one.

"I don't know. Zayn and I have been talking a lot lately and he seems to think going back to church may be a good thing for me. You know, to repent and all that shit. Maybe clearing my sins can maybe give me some hope that maybe my life can possibly go back to normal?" She shrugged, crouching down on her knees, searching the messy floor for a matching pair of heels.

Her words played over in my head.

'Maybe my life can go can possibly go back to normal...'

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now