Chapter 47

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Harry's POV:

Two small, but surprisingly very strong arms shoved me into one of the dressing stalls in the men's dressing room in Lord and Taylor's.

I removed my pants, converse, and t-shirt, so now I was just in my socks and trousers.

"If you want me to try this shit on, at least hurry up! I'm not waiting 2 hours to try on suits that I would never even consider wearing anyway. Hurry the fuck up!" I called over the door.

I didn't mean to be such a dick, but I really do hate dressing up in all this fancy shit. I don't care about clothes, nor will I ever. To me, as long as something smells clean, I'll wear it.

"Here, grab the ends and pull it over." She groaned.

I saw out of the bottom of my eye that she was standing on the tip of her petite toes to reach the top and push the mountain of clothing over to me above the door.

God she is so short, but it's fucking adorable. She must be not even 5 foot, but damn did she pack a punch. She didn't need height; she stood out on her own.

I grabbed the clothing, and took a look at it. There were 5 light blue button-up dress shirts. She would probably claim they were different shades or different designs, but they look the same to me.

I sat the shirts down on a stoll that in the corner. Then I pulled down the rest.

There were 3 ties, nothing amazing; a red, a black, and a navy blue one.

There were also a pair of black dress slacks. Dress slacks? She had to be fucking kidding me right?

"I'm never wearing any of this shit. You must be kidding yourself kitten if you think I would even consider it." I yelled.

"Stop it! I tried on the slutty little black dress on for you! Come on Harry, pleaseeeeeee."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the first shirt. I pulled the material over my arms and buttoned the front. Then I grabbed the pants and slid them on. They were actually really comfortable, despite the fact they were made for business men or church snobs.

"Ok, fine. They're on. Can I take them off yet?"

"No, I have to see! Open up!" She squeaked. I had never seen Aurora so excited over anything in my life. This was weird. She was starting to remind of her friend. Zayn's girlfriend. What was her name? Jamie?

I slowly opened the door and she poked her head in.

"Harry! You look so handsome! I love it!" She beamed.

"Shut it. I feel like the douchebag you went on a date with." I complained.

"Luke? And no, you would have to be wearing a sweatvest and take the lip ring out for that." She winked.

Wait, was she flirting with me?

Now was my chance.

"Here, put this on. I don't know how to do this." I handed her one of the ties and she grinned at me.

"What?" I snapped. The humor she took in my lack of men's fashion was really starting to piss me off, but I needed her to put the tie on for me so she could get close to me and then I could kiss her. Properly, without any annoying-ass preteens giggling at us.

"You don't even know how to put on a tie?" She teased.

"Come on, just help me." I said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her close to me chest.

She grabbed the tie from my grasp and wrapped it around my neck. I felt her finger tip accidentally slide across my collarbone. I started growing hard instantly, and had to cross my legs to hide it. Even though these were black dress pants, we were really close, and who knew what she could have noticed.

"So I'm going to show you. First, you grab both ends, making one end longer than the other." she started.

I looked down in her eyes. They held small crinkles at side from her unintentional smile. I loved how I was finally making her smile instead of upset. Even if it was at the cost of my own embarrassment.

"Then, you cross the wider end over the shorter end." She continued, performing her instructions.

"Then you..."

I stopped listening to her, and started to fade away.

It was taking every ounce of me not to throw her against the wall and finger her right now. The way she stood on her toes, reaching up as I obviously towered over her. The way her eyes flickered up at me and back to my neck as she spoke. The way she bit down on those lovely pink, full lips.

God those lips.

I just wanted them around me, taking me. She had offered to give me a blowjob after I had finger fucked her the night of the second party. Well, not so much offered but asked me if I wanted to. I should of accepted, so that way I wouldn't just have to imagine her blowing me. That way it wouldn't just have to be some fantasy I had when I wanked off. It would have been an actual memory.


I wanted her so bloody bad. I was literally aching for her.

She was now standing dangerously close. I could feel her breathe on my lower neck. Her waist was pressing slightly against mine. I hoped she didn't feel the bulge in my pants. I was trying to rear her away from my rather enlarged area, but she kept edging closer and closer, trying to instruct me on this damn tie. Couldn't she see I couldn't give two shits about tying ties? Did I really seem like the type of guy who wore ties? Ever?

"And then you..."

I couldn't take it anymore. The fruity smell of her breathe drove me over the edge. I cupped my hand around her cheek, pulling her up to me.

Our lips were now just inches away. I could feel that sweet berry breath on my lips.

She started coming closer, and I mimicked her actions.

Closer and closer..

Aurora's POV

He started drawing closer and closer, our lips now barely touching.

Before I could escalate ever further, I pulled away.

I finished the knot on his tie and stepped back from him.

"There, that's how." I mumbled.

I quickly left the dressing room, leaving him to change.

What was I thinking? This had been the second time today I kissed him. Well almost kissed him. When I was trying to avoid him. All this conflicting emotion over him can't be safe for me. Should I just agree to be with him?

He opened the door and threw me the clothes.

"Go put them back, I don't know where they go."

And there was the jerkish Harry I was used to.

I stood up straighter, adjusting to the weight of the clothes.

He walked along next to me. He was looking down at his phone, texting someone.

"Can you help me? This is a lot Harry." I mumbled through the material blocking my mouth and actually most of my face.

"Fine." He huffed.

Was this kid bipolar or something? He would go from joking around, to basically almost fucking me, to angry in a matter of minutes. He was starting to give me a headache.

He grabbed the pile and flipped it over his right forearm. He was much bigger than me, so carrying this amount clothing was nothing for him.

"Where does this go?" He looked down at me.

"Just put it on some random rack, someone will come pick it up later." I told him.

He nodded, and walked over to a rack of sweat pants, balancing the clothes on it.

He walked back over to me and attempted to grab my hand. I resisted, pulling both my arms over my chest.

"Fine, be a bitch. Can we get some food? I'm fucking starving." He asked.

I shrugged and followed him, the whole time we both remained in silence.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now