Chapter 6

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Link to Streelights on side, (doesn't work on iPhone D: )

I pulled in my legs and placed my damp clothes to my side. I let my head fall into my lap as I listened to the tattooed boy strumming in front of me. As soon as he played the first two chords, I immediately knew what song Harry was singing.

The song was Streetlights by Ludo. Ludo had been my favorite band ever since the 5th grade and I knew every song by heart. They were my absolute obsession, something I had found on my own and prized as my own little secret. Despite asking basically everyone I had possibly ever come into contact with, no one had heard of the band. I was shocked he was even singing one of their songs. I listened to so many indie and unknown artists that it was a wonder that someone else knew of their existence. My heart leaped when I heard his smoky voice sing the first phrase.

"When the streetlights come on the pooling night is levied aside and pressed in twilight 'gainst out two rooms. I'll see you tonight...."

He continued strumming, his voice steady and strong. At each breath he took, he would sit up straighter, and then slowly sink back down. His inked bicep flexed with each up-stroke and relaxed with each down-stroke.

I listened intently at the boy singing before me. I sat in utter amazement, fully aware of the romantic nature of this song. How could somebody so undeniably revolting one moment, be so sincere and caring the next?

My head was spinning, confusion mixed with a strange wave of affection swirled inside me, causing something deep inside my chest to swell. I clenched onto my knees a bit tighter, steadying my already resting body.

His hand slipped back and forth up the black neck of the instrument, almost instinctively hitting the correct chord each time. His arms flowed with the rhythm of the song, dipping and coming back up with each beat.

"I come alive as the shadows parade. My hot summer blood comes in floods and in waves. Curbside confessions, no longer afraid of what you'll say..."

Too soon had the music ended and he stood up, placing the jet black instrument back on its stand. My eyes reopened, (when had I closed them?) and that pleasant trance started to fade.

I stood up, trying to close the door and sneak off before he had caught me. I grabbed my clothes, and stood as quietly as possible. I slowly walked over to the door, about to grab the handle, when my foot got caught on a shoe lying in front of it and I went flying forward, my damp clothes being thrashed every which way. I landed with a loud thud. My eyes clenched shut and I bit my lip.

"What the..." I heard a deep, angry British accent boom.

"Shit!" I cursed softly.

"No no no!"

'Maybe if I just casually crawl out of the room he won't...' My opitismic thoughts were slain within a moment.

"What are you doing in here?"

My body froze and I turned around cautiously, laughing nervously. His expression turned from shock to anger within seconds and I gulped. He leaned down, grabbing my wrist and throwing me against the wall. His tall frame towered over mine as he leaned over me, peering down into my watering eyes. I felt a lump in my throat as fear trickled through me. I forced my gaze towards the carpet, attempting to avoid his eye contact. I didn't want him to see me cry.

"Hello?" Harry snarled.

"I said; WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?" His body was shaking, his large hands set in fists above my head. I could feel the vibrations of his anger through the wall. I stood paralyzed, silent and shaking from the fear flowing through me.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now