Chapter 25

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We pulled in the parking lot of the church as Brad Paisley booming out the windows. People walking to and out of the church all starred, amazed someone would play music so loud in such a holy place.

My mom turned off the ignition and we all stumbled out of the van. I always hated going places with her. Her 'van' wasn't one of those typical soccer mom mini vans with the DVD players in the middle of the ceiling and the cup holders on the sides. No, my mom owned an actual vans. The ones that you see on the highway and quickly look away from because you're afraid some forty year-old real-life Lolita obsessed pedophile is holding some poor eleven year old girl captive. It was big and navy blue, (almost black, making it even creeper), and always seemed to take up at least two spaces every time we parked somewhere. To say I hated the damn thing would have been the biggest understatement of the century.

"Let's go girls! I don't want mass to start without us! You know I love when the choir sings their opening song!" My mom clapped, rushing us along.

We stepped inside and were immediately greeted by the usual crowd of "church folk". I absolutely adored these people. They were the highlight of my week. I had grown up with them and most of them were either friends or like second or third sets of parents to me. The older people were almost like the grandparents I never had, (my father's grandparents died before I was born, and my mom refused to speak with hers), and it was nice having that older set of guardians around to talk to. I was welcomed with many hugs, most of which I didn't mind because I knew these people so well. It was like getting to see that second family.

"Who's your friend over there?" Mr. Smith asked me after we finished our rather long embrace. I nodded, smiling at my friend.

"Oh, that's Amy. She's staying with us while her mom's away."

I decided to bring her over and introduce her. I didn't want her to feel like an outsider. Just because I was antisocial at school and was used to that feeling of being introverted, that didn't mean she was. She wasn't at all, actually. I knew her; she'd get uncomfortable without anyone to talk to. Especially when I am talking to so many, something that rarely happens anywhere outside of this place.

"Amy." She instantly perked up, her eyes shifting from the floor to mine, a new excitement suddenly filling the beautiful color.

"Come here. I would like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They babysat me up until I was ten. They're like the grandparents I never had." The elderly couple laughed, both gripping me into a tight hug. Mrs. Smith kissed me on the head and Mr. Smith patted my upper back. I grinned like a child on Christmas day. Man, I loved this couple.

"Hello Amy. I'm Mrs. Smith. Wait a second, I recognize you from somewhere..." She stopped, her hand frozen half way between the two as she as clearly about to extend her hand for Amy to shake. Her opposite reached toward her face as placed her index finger on her chin, thinking something over.

"Are you Camille's daughter? Camille Henderson?" Amy blushed looking down at her feet.

"Yeah. I am." She answered.

"Oh my goodness! The last time I saw you was, what? When you were a baby? Why haven't been coming to church with your mother?!"

Amy turned even more red, and she crossed her arms over her front.

"Oh, I don't know. I guess church isn't exactly my thing, you know? With school and field hockey and everything, I just don't have time for that sort of thing."

'Field hockey?' I knew she was lying.
She hadn't played field hockey since the seventh grade.

Lying to an old couple? In the middle of church? She's going to hell, I know it.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now