Chapter 11

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Just as Mr. Lawrence was going to explain the project the bell rang, and students were instantly out of their seats, rushing for the door. I remained glued to mine, as my whole body was still in complete shock. How could this even be happening? Everything in my life had completely hit the iceberg in just three days, beginning to sink because of one person. I went from being the most unnoticed, laid back, unpopular girl in the school to some tightly-wound, stuck-up, loud and very well-known freak. Everyone was talking about me as they walked out. They tried to keep it in hushed tones and whispers, but considering all the looks I was receiving, I just knew it. There could be no other explanation as to why they were staring, other than that maybe I had something in my hair.

'Given your luck, you probably have that, too.' My subconscious sat back in her desk chair, sipping softly on her morning tea. At least she was finding amusement in my current predicament.

I was thrown back into reality when I pair of hands clapped harshly in front of my face. The sudden noise shocked me, and I jumped slightly from my chair, hitting my knee. I cursed slightly under my breath and looked up, glaring. Adding to my already nightmare-of-a-day my gaze met none-other than the exact person I had no interest in seeing.

"If you don't hurry up, you'll be late to your next class."

"Wha-what are you doing here? Why are you waiting for me?" My voice accidentally came out as more of a desperate plea, and I turned red when he smirked. Of course he had to smirk about my ever-changing facial color; of course he had to find it funny that he was driving me absolutely mental.

"Well, considering we are partners now I figured we should get to know each other a little more. And actually do more than you know just... Bickering." He smiled softly, and he actually looked genuinely honest, as if he was telling me the truth; as if he actually wanted to work with me.

I had to hold my chin from letting my mouth fall open. Since when did he care about us fighting? That seemed to be his favorite pass time; the one thing he ever seemed to find amusement in through-out the day.

"Well, are you going to stand there gawking at me, or are we going?" His hands were slid into the pockets of his tight black jeans and his foot tapped on the ground. I could tell just by the way his foot was moving that he was growing impatient and if I didn't move soon he would just get angry and flip the switch to pissy again. I didn't want to take that risk. I would rather walk with him and deal with the torment than get on his bad side. Being the victim of the devil's amusement is one thing, but being at the top of the devils hate list is about the worst thing possible for someone lacking all and any sort of muscle. I decided rather than take the risk of turning him down and facing internal and possible physical torment, I would just walk with him and deal with consequences as they came.

I shook my head, bringing myself back to reality, and I quickly grabbed my bag and got up. He took a spot next to me, and we started walking out the door.

"Have a nice day, Mr. Lawrence." I said as I waved him farewell. Harry rolled his eyes but kept his comments to himself. I knew he was just dying to say some snarky remark, but he held back. This random burst of kindness was confusing me, and I stupidly started to question it.

"So, what is this? Another game? You pretend to be nice to me until I let my guard down, and then what? Take another knock at my patience? Like I said before l, I really don't have time for your b.ullshit. Honors and A.P.'s are enough for me right now and-"

"I know." His simple reply shocked me even further more.

"What? What do you mean you know?" I couldn't help but sound astonished.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now