Chapter 19

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I woke up to the smell of thick cologne. My head was pounding and the room was spinning all around me, causing the nausea already forming inside of me to strengthen. I was beyond nauseous.

'God, I've gotta puke.'

I slowly tumbled out of bed, my feet landing on the soft carpeted floor. I looked behind me, my hand on my forehead.

The bed was a mess. There were pillows everywhere and the sheets were thrown in every direction, making the already cluttered room look all that much more unappealing. I looked over at my feet; my dress and panties were beneath them. Immediately I was reminded of the previous night, the night I had let Harry do things to me no one else had. Was fingering me the correct term? Is that what we did called?

He had also asked me to spend the night with him. I remembered the way he placed his tattooed arm around my waist, pulling me in and holding me tight. I hated that I missed his gentle, protective touch. I had never allowed a man- let alone anyone- to grip onto me so tightly.

'Where is he?'

I tried my best to hold my balance as I cautiously made my way over to the door. I opened it, slowly as to not wake anyone. That effort worked, considering every lying body here was unconscious regardless.

'Jeez, how drunk was I last night? I can barely walk!' I stumbled forward as I thought doubtfully to myself.

'But I guess the fact I'm not regretting anything must be not that much, then?'

Spread across the entirety of the hallway were a myriad of teenagers, deep in slumber from their crazy night of delinquency. Most of them were lying on the floor, although one had even managed to fall asleep in the massive glass chandelier. I would love to see how getting the poor b.astard down would play out...

I padded through the wooden hallway and over to the stairs. More teens were spread out throughout the stairwell as well as in the foyer. Cups and bottles littered the floor. I felt bad for Zayn upon seeing the damage. He would have a crap ton of work to do before his parents got home. If I had known him better, I would have offered to help him clean this all up.

I finally entered the kitchen, where Zayn was frying eggs. Amy was sitting in a chair, arms slug over the countertop of the island, rambling on and on about some famous photographer. Amy had always loved photography. She spent many hours of her life roaming through random locations, capturing unknown people doing random, everyday things. I never saw the beauty of watching people doing such normal actions, but she seemed to enjoy it. Amy had a natural-born talent when it came to detail. Photography was something she excelled at with ease. I admired her love of the hobby.

As soon as Zayn spotted me, he cleared his throat. Amy spun around and her face turned from that usual happy-go-lucky smile to heartbroken in an instant. I had hoped she would have forgiven me for hitting on Zayn. I guess not...

"Excuse me Zayn, but I have to go get ready. I'll see you when I get done and then you can drive me home." She said flatly.

Zayn nodded and she jumped off the stool. She walked over to Zayn, offering him a small kiss on the cheek and made her way out of the room. I didn't miss the emphasis she made as she strolled away, taking the further exit through the living room, an obvious attempt at avoiding me.

"So, um, Aurora... Good morning!" Zayn laughed, smiling weakly. He was so nervous.

"Want some breakfast? I made Amy pancakes and I some eggs. I can make you something too? If you want?" He seemed extremely tense as he forced a small awkward smile. There were still many bruises and scratches spread out along his face. His left eye was still partially closed, the lid completely blackened. It was amazing how badly that had turned over night. I knew I had caused that and I felt terrible.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now