Chapter 75

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I quickly pulled my stockings up after wiping myself off. Harry has finished washing his hands off and grabbed a paper towel to dry them off.

"That was fun." He looked at me with satisfied eyes through the mirror.

"Yeah. For me. You didn't get anything in return."

He looked down at his hands and grinned.

"Oh believe me kitten, having to cover you mouth to make sure you wouldn't scream as I fingered you was good enough. You know I love to tease you."

I gasp, somehow still surprised by how blunt he could be about sexual things sometimes.

"Oh stop getting so embarrassed. We're together now. I'm your boyfriend. I have the right to do whatever I want to you."

Together? My heart fluttered at the word. Even though I already know that we're "together", hearing him confirm it still feels amazing. I am his. He is mine. We are "together".

"Um, yeah. Let's get back to class. Thank you I guess."

He chucked and grabbed my bag.

I yanked down my dress again as we walked into the hall. Harry turned his head both ways, checking it the corridor was clear.

"Let's go." He whispered.

I slung my bag onto my back and quickly followed behind him.

"Where is your class?"

"It's in the east corridor. Room 1023."

"You have Lincoln then?"

"Yeah. She's a very nice teacher."

"Mhm. Great arse too."

"Excuse me?" I turned around to glare at him.

He shrugged and continued walking.

"It's a good arse. I'm a guy. It's only natural to look kitten."

"So you don't like mine then?" I spun around, examining my own behind.

"Are you kidding? I love yours. It's good to squeeze. Gives me something to hold on to when I'n fucking you."


I spun around, making sure no one had heard that.

"You wanted the truth."

"Oh shut up!"

He smirked and took my hand in his. He brought it up to his lips, kissing each knuckle softy.

"You've changed Styles. You have gone soft on me."

"Oh, you don't think I can't still be a dick? I could go back to insulting you every three seconds if that's what you like." His eyes glisten with a playful hint of mint.

Playful Harry? Oh great.

"Would you now?"

"Your wish is my command, my lady."

He bowed slightly and kissed the top of the hand he was holding. He's such a nerd sometimes!

"Stop!" I giggled.

"You know I expect a repayment for the gift I gave you back there."

"Really? What kind of gift? How about chocolate?" I batted my eyelashes.

"If it was melted and drizzled all over your body. I could lick it off of you. Maybe get some strawberries too? A little whip cream to cover your nipples."

Oh my god!

"Harry! People may hear you!"

"I don't give a shit. You're mine. People should know that."

'You're mine.' He keeps saying that. Maybe I am his. I'm only his. He has me. I'm his.

"Whatever you say baby."

He smirks at my comment.


He shrugs so his backpack falls off his shoulder in the most simple, and yet enticing way. I wonder if he knows how attractive he is...

"I like when you call me baby. Do you like when I call you kitten?"

"No." I answer honestly.

"Why not, kitten?" He looked as if he was trying to remain serious, but the crinkle by his eyes made me realize that he was fooling around with me.

"I've told you. I'm not your pet."

"But you are mine."

I roll my eyes.

"Yes. I'm yours. How many times do I have to say that?"

"You don't. I just like hearing it." He shrugs and stops abruptly. I give a questioning look and look beyond him at the room he's standing in front of.

Oh. It's my classroom.

"Oh, well this is my classroom... I guess I'll see you tomorrow.." I tip back and forth on my cream-colored leather-covered toes. Why is this so awkward?

"Mhm." He seems pretty weirded out as well.

"Are you going to be at your house for thanksgiving?"

His eyes widen a bit. He looks confused.

"Am I not supposed to be?"

"Well I don't know. I was just asking so I can see you there. So we won't have to meet up in a bathroom if we want to hang out." God this is so awkward!

"Why would you be at my house? You have a family."

Wow. Rude much?

Looks like old Harry is making a comeback. Yay!

"Well considering my family is going to be there too I thought you'd want to..."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" His confusion is worsing along with some other emotion. Frustration? Aixety? I don't know.

"Zayn invited my family over for dinner. He said his mom wants us to come over."

His mouth curves into an "o" and he flushes.

"That makes sense. They just got back from Pakistan though. I am surprised they want to go through all that trouble. Usually they just go out to some high-class shitty place."

"You don't go with them?"

He stiffens and runs his hand through his hair.

"No. I don't like them. They annoy the shit out of me. They all think they're so great and the perfect family and crap. It makes me sick." His look is one of pure disgust.

"Harry, they let you live there. You should be a little nicer." I try to tell him. I rub my hand up and down his chest and he grabs it.


"Stop. Just go to class. I'll see you tomorrow." He lets go of my hand and starts to walk off.

I sigh, exasperated from his constant mood swings. I love this boy, no doubt, but he is honestly going to put me into cardiac arrest one day with his random hormonal rages.

I start to walk towards the door when something pulls me back and turns me around.

I gasp and close my eyes, shielding my face from my attacker.

Large hands wrap around mine and pull them to my side.

I open my eye just enough to see who it is. It's Harry. Thank god.

Who else would it be? I slap myself mentally for being so stupid.

"I didn't say goodbye. So goodbye. And I love you. And cover up those legs. You're making me hard just thinking about you."

He leans down, kissing my forehead slightly and then lets me go.

He turns back around, leaving me breathless, dazed, and feeling completely in love.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now