Chapter 14

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"Two clubs, please." Harry commanded whist pulling out his wallet. I saw a couple hundred dollars; I gulped. Does he have a job? Is that from selling drugs? Guns? Blood money?

"Harry, stop! I don't want to be here."

The receptionist raised a brow at us, but Harry shook his head, waving his hand.

"It's fine. Don't mind her. We'll take it."


"Aurora, baby. Don't fight with me right now." Harry snarled through a forced toothy grin, and he suddenly hooked his arm around my waist. I almost hiccuped. What is he doing?!

Harry placed his wallet on the countertop as he took the clubs from the woman's hands and gave the smaller one to me. The handle was bright pink; I almost gaged. I hate pink...

"Thank you." Harry surprised me as he forced his wallet back into his pocket. He started to head in the direction of the gift shop. I noticed a massive golf course in the distance; this must be a resort of some kind.

"We need to get you some shoes before we play. I don't want you bitchin' at me all night."

"Why are we even here? I thought you were supposed to be bringing me to the party?" I asked curiously as climbed a small flight of stairs. Harry twirled his club between his fingers.

"Like I said, I don't like you wearing that dress. There are a lot of idiots there, and I can't trust that. And besides, who wants to be at one of things anyway? Its basically one big frat party, minus the stupid pledges wandering around. You don't want to be there. It's lame as f.uck."

"And mini-golfing on a Friday night isn't?"

Harry chuckled lightly.

"Point taken. And yes, this is lame- much lamer than I usually put up with- but its all I could come up with on such short notice. Desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Why so desperate? You call me the jealous one constantly. Seems like someones giving me a run for my money." I joked and he snorted.

"What money? I thought you don't have a job."

I felt my cheeks heat. Damn, he's good...

"And no, I'm not jealous. I just can't trust those f.uckers. They're nothing but sloppy drunks. You shouldn't want anything to do with them. They see a pretty girl whose had a little too much to drink and think they can get away with anything they want. It's wrong. People get arrested for that kind of shit. House and frat parties have the highest rate for rape. I'm not chancing it with you."

I tried hide my shock with a small cough. Since when did he care about my safety? I thought he had hated me...

"Sounds like jealously." I tried to sound nonchalant while internally my heart was beating faster than a race horse on steroids. I couldn't believe this was happening. Harry caring about my safety? How? When? Where did that come from?

"Sounds like being a good friend." Harry countered and then I frowned.

"You don't even know what that means."

"Do I now?" Harry eyed me for a moment as if testing me, and then continued to walk faster. My feet ached against the gravel. I cursed Amy for making me wear the hellish shoes that we currently dangling from my fingertips.

"Slow down!" I yelled as he increased the distance between us. He shook his head.

"Catch me first, shorty."

"Oh, you little-" I started to sprint forward, not caring that my dress might rip at any moment. By the time I reached him, he was already opening the door to the store.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now