Chapter 10

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I walked out of second period on Monday, my stomach in knots. The last time I had seen Harry, we were just enough steps away from 'doing the dirty'. Well, as close I had ever gotten to anything close to sex before. Had it even been considered that? All I knew is that whatever we had done together, it had been the closest experience to said subject and possibly the most intimate moment of my life.

My thoughts were hazed and confused as they swirled sporadically in every which direction. I couldn't keep a single thought together for more than fifteen seconds, and my focus was heavily lacking. Thank the Lord some kid had held the door open for me as I walked out of gym, or I would have walked straight into the d.amn door. Why had I let Harry kiss me? Not only once, but twice? Why did he have such a strong power over me? I barely even knew the kid, and now I have not one but two extremely intimate experiences with him. Does this mean I'm some sort of whore? Am I destined for spending my days sleeping and mu nights on the corner of busy city streets? It has not even been a full week since I have met him and we've already made out.

Every time I began to think about him, my stomach started turning and I felt a strange feeling between anger, giddy, and fear. Just thinking about his long, lean legs alone caused my throat to dry and my breathing to become a little shallower. Amy had warned me that he was dangerous, and I knew it was wrong for me to even be weighing my options, but he kept my focus constantly shifting from whatever I was doing, so I was back to mentally whining about him.

I continued processing and analyzing my feelings towards the tattooed fiend as made my way through the long, tiled corridors. Just as I was thinking about his bright eyes when I felt a tap on the shoulder from behind. I expected it to be Amy; she had told me back at the entrance of the school when we got off the bus (my car still hadn't been fixed and we were going tonight to her house to get her some clothes and her car) that we would meet up to walk together after second, but I guess she had forgotten.

"Hey Aurora, how was your summer?" A soft, shy voice questioned. I turned only to find my friend Juliet beside me.

Juliet was a tall, curvy, and soft-spoken blonde that I had met in choir last year. She was a senior, but you would have thought she was the same age as I was, as we got along so well. She always wore either black skin-tight skinny jeans, or plaid pajama paints paired with a hoody and a band t-shirt. Today she wore a pair of black classic Converse with black and blue plaid pajama pants and a black hoodie with a Ramones t-shirt. Her rainbow colored "NYC" tote was laid across her large chest, and she wore a small, meek smile that matched her shy question.

Grinning back, I said, "Oh fine. I have a test next period and-"

I was cut off by her gasping, her finger softly gliding over the small inked star placed on my neck. My hand shot up on the area, covering it and she pulled her hand back, bringing it to her side.

"Is that a-?"

"Tattoo?" I answered her question- the same question everyone seemed to be pestering me with lately.

"Yes. It is. I got it over the summer. It was a mistake. I didn't even know what I was thinking." I didn't mean to sound so irritated but I was really getting sick of all the attention I was receiving with this new tattoo. Why did people always become so amazed at the sight of a small black star? Compared to Zayn, I looked naked. And put me next to Harry and...

'Here we go again.' My subconscious rolled her eyes, reminding me of my promise to try to force myself out of thinking of Harry. At least for maybe ten minutes...

"Um, ok... Well class is starting soon and I don't want to be late... Facebook message me, okay?" She was the only person that still used Facebook. Everyone had switched to Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram. But I shook my head anyway, smiling as she walked away.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now