Chapter 20

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I couldn't speak, the words had been momentarily knocked out of me. I felt as if someone had just punched me in the stomach and there was no air.

Zayn was straddling Amy's lap with his face buried in her neck. Her hand was wrapped around his neck and she was giggling wildly at the boy above her. Her eyes snapped open at the sound of the door creaking. As soon as she saw me standing in the doorway, her face turned a creamy white and her hands fell to the edge of Zayn's chest.

"Zayn, please get off me." She whispered.

"Come on, baby. Relax." He laughed.

"Zayn please.."

"Come on, Amy. Relax for me, baby girl." He pleaded.

"I can't- Aurora! What are- "

Zayn popped up, jumping off the bed and standing erect on his socked feet.

"We thought because you were with Harry you would be gone for a while! We didn't even think you would be here!" Amy weakly smiled, desperately trying to justify her actions.

Too bad I was already far beyond any point of forgiveness; she had gone too far. Fine, if she wanted to give me the silent treatment this morning- even if she wanted to continue it for the rest of the day- I could have taken that. I deserved it for what I did. But now she wanted to fool around in my bed with Zayn? That's not just disloyal, it's rude. For someone who pretended to be such a pleasant, happy person, this was not something to expect. She was not that person; this shallow, vengeful girl that is now currently lying in my bed, the boy I was still remotely interested in between her legs.

"So you think just because I'm not here, you can have sex in my bed?! In my house?!" I was screaming. Amy's nervous smile fell as quick as it had arisen, and Zayn looked petrified.

"Well, no. We weren't going to have sex-"


I hadn't meant to say I had liked him because I honestly didn't. Or at least I thought I didn't; my feelings towards him were still slightly blurry. But at the same time, I was still completely overwhelmed with the feelings I felt for Harry. It was a messy situation, one that if you had told me I would have gotten myself involved in a few months ago, I would have laughed at. This was so unlike me to be so petty over men, and yet here I was, screaming over pretty little Zayn Malik while the narcissistic asshole known as Harry Styles still lingered in the back of my mind.

Zayn's face instantly turned red and he started shuffling his feet. His eyes were darting between Amy and me as he tried to decide who to turn to.

"Should I leave?" He asked anxiously.

"No!" Amy and I both screamed.

"Erm," He took a step, placing his connected hands behind his back.

"Well I'll just be over here... You know... In the closet..." He quickly moved to the other side of the room, yanking one the doors and started searching the large wardrobe.

"Oh?" Amy turned back to me.

"So you like Zayn now? Since when?! Last night, you seemed to be pretty fond of Harry! First you hit on Zayn and then you have the decency to go back to Harry after Zayn rejects you! And then you have sex with him! After a mont! A freaking month, Aurora!" The last sentence made me blink in shock. How could she have known about what Harry and I did?

"We didn't have sex!" I defended myself.

'Wait- was Harry fingering me considered sex?'
I wasn't a complete expert on the matter. Considering I barely even allowed people to lay a freaking finger on me, let alone put on inside of me...

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now