Chapter 78

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I slide my shirt on, still shaking from post-orgasmic state. My legs could barely hold me up because they were wobbling so much. They weren't aching, it was a weird numbness that made me feel like I was walking on air. Is this how after-sex is supposed to feel?

"You look like you're about to fall over." Harry commented from his spot on top of his desk. He was running his fingers along his iPod, searching through songs.

"You did quite a number on me Styles."

His lips perked up into a small smirk as he reveled in the memory of us just a few minutes before.

"I thought you said you didn't like Beethoven." I said as I ran my leg into my jeans.

"I didn't say that. I just prefer Bach. I still have him on my iPod. He can be ok sometimes."

"And why do you have Robbie on your iPod?"

He shrugged.

"I don't know. He's pretty big in Cheshire and I guess he's alright sometimes. It's like the same thing with someone like Katy Perry over here. I'm not crazy about him, but he's ok from time-to-time."

"I don't really like Katy Perry though."

"But you still listen to some of her songs right?"

I nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed. Her first album was a secret guilty pleasure of mine.

"Well then there you go."

"Um, Harry?" I knew the question I was about to ask was going to be really awkward so I became slightly apprehensive.

"Mhm." He mumbled in response. He turned on some artist unknown to me, and by the screaming instead of singing, I knew I didn't want to.

"How do you..."

His head picked up as a look of concern switched on to his features.

"How do I what, Aurora?"

"How did you... Know that song... Would good to have you know what to.."

His eyes squinted for a moment as he processed what I meant. His mouth formed an "o" as he realization finally hit him.

"I don't know. I've never had sex to that song if that's what you mean. That was the first time I've ever done anything to any music but shitty house party music. I've just also thought it would be fun to have sex to. Don't you ever think about music as more than just something to listen to?"

Yes, I have. That was obvious. But never did I ever think as a composer in such a sexual way... I mean having an orgasm wasn't exactly in my mind when I listen to classical music.

"I guess I do but not that way. Music is emotional for me."

"It is for me too, just a different emotion." He brushed his across his knee caps and yawned.

"Can you walk? You're legs are still shaking like crazy."

I looked down and my knees were buckling beneath me. I hadn't even noticed, they were so numb that it didn't phase me. I tried taking a step and lost my balance and collapsed. My knee hit the side of the bed and I groaned.

Screw being numb; I felt that.

"That's a no. I'll carry you."

"You don't have to,"

"Stop always fighting me. I want to take care you. Now try to climb up on the bed and your going on my back."

I crawled up on the bed and took my spot and waited for Harry. My legs dangled off, not meeting the floor because of my height.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now