Chapter 61

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"The meal was perfect Mrs. Malik. Thank you." I say as I wipe my mouth off with the napkin. Or table cloth. Or napkin cloth? I still don't know what this thing called. I rarely go to formal dinners so this whole thing has been odd for me.

"You're very welcome Aurora. By the way, I'm so happy you could be here tonight. It's probably odd spending your birthday with people that aren't your family, but I'm glad to have you. So, tell me about yourself. Do you have any siblings? Family members?"

"Mom, stop. She really doesn't.."

"Now Zayn, stop it. Let the girl speak." She gave him a stern look and then turned back to me, smiling.

"Um, well no. I'm adopted actually." I told her.

"Oh, that's interesting! Is it hard dealing with that? Without knowing your real parents?"

"Erm, not really. My parents died when I was a baby so I never got the chance to get to know them anyway."

"That's terrible! Do you ever miss them? Or miss who you thought they might be?"

"Um, I don't..."

"What the fuck? I told you don't start with those shitty questions!" Harry erupted out of no where. He had been quiet throughout the entire dinner, only breaking the silence to not ask, but demand Zayn to pass him the carrots.

"Now, Harry, that's no way to talk to your aunt..." Mr. Malik tried to intervene.

"Are you kidding me? Do you not hear her? It's none of her bloody business what's going on in Aurora's life!" Harry fired back at his uncle.

"Harry, it's fine really." I tried to assure him.

"No, it's not. This whole thing was a fucking disaster. I'm going to my room, sorry I ruined your birthday." He mumbled and stormed off.

All of a sudden all eyes were on me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't know he would... I mean I just..."

"It's fine sweetheart. It's perfectly fine. Go talk to him. He needs someone to help him cool down." Mrs. Malik instructed me and I nodded.

I excused myself from the table and made my way to the staircase. Something small and silver caught my eye. I turned to it and noticed it wasn't so small after all, in fact it was a massive photo frame. There was a double portrait of two wedding ceremonies; one in a classic, church with a priest and brides maids and everything. The next was looked like had taken place in a mosque. There were woman dressed in colorful robes with head dressings and jewelry. There was a man that looked like a priest, but instead of wearing a robe, he wore more of what looked like a dress.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" I recognized a females voice say. I turned around to find Mrs. Malik observing the photos.

"Yes, gorgeous, really. If you don't mind me asking, who are these people?"

She laughed lightly, taking a spot next to me.

"That is me and Mr. Malik. The church photo was the wedding thrown for my family, and the other

was thrown for his. His family is Muslim, and mine are Roman Catholic, not a very realistic combination. That is why we had two separate ceremonies."

"Wow, that's a lot." I didn't really know what to say. I knew nothing about weddings, nor did I want to. I never want to get married.

"Yes, it is. The children were raised in their fathers beliefs, while I remain a Christian. Harry isn't though. I don't know what he is. He says he believes in god and yet he never goes to church, but we don't push him." She informed.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now