Chapter 8

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"Why hello there, kitten. Is this for me?"

Harry sarcastically smirked down at me, wrapping his hand around the bowl and then yanking it away from my arm. The next thing I knew, he was whipping out his arm in my direction and I couldn't help but squeal.

The room was temporarily blackened, the smell of Viva la Juicy filling my nostrils. I yanked the material off of my face, throwing it down to the ground. What the fuck was he doing in my house? Eating my food? Is he serious?

I stormed over to him, ripping the bowl from his grasp, the bowl flying in the air and sending little kernels everywhere.

"Now look what you've done! Just... Just... Get the h.ell out!" I screamed, pointing towards the door as I leaned down to the floor.

I started picking up the small bits, but my hair started falling in my face, getting caught in my mouth.

"F.uck me!" I whispered harshly to no one in particular.

"Be careful what you wish for, kitten." Harry taunted.

"It might just happen."

My eye twitched in irritation, but I chose not to comment.

While trying to fight back the anger boiling inside of me from Harry's lack of a filter, I stood up and tugged my hair into a pony tail. I climbed back down to the floor and started to clean up the mess he had made. I threw each piece of popcorn, sighing with each toss.

I could feel Harry's eyes peering down at me from his spot on the couch, and I snapped my head up at him. There was a wide smirk spread across his pierced lips, and his teeth bit the ring dangling from his bottom lip, spinning it lightly.

"Are you crazy? I said leave!" The sound of my yells filled the house.

He didn't budge, his grin only grew wider.

"What is your f.ucking problem? Am I really that bad that you constantly have to mock me?" One brow raised, his smirk only seeming to creep wider with each complaint I made.

"Why do you do this to me? Why do you always find any and every way to bother me? Why?"

"Why what?" He half laughed, half questioned.

"Why are you doing this to me?!"

He stood up, moving closer to me. I jumped up, my heart started to pound, the deep beat echoing off my eardrums and straight to my tightening throat. I slowly started to step back, afraid he was going to do something that would leave me lying on the ground, bleeding to death.

He slowly stalked towards me, and I continued to move backward. I stumbled a little, tripping slightly, earning an even wider grin from the curly-haired menace.

"Something wrong?" He tipped his head to the side. I only gulped, to which Harry quickly licked his lips in anticipation.

Suddenly my back slammed against something hard, stopping me from moving any further. My hands felt around, trying to comprehend why I had stopped.


"Looks like you've hit a dead end, yeah?"

By the time that I had processed his words, realizing where I was, Harry was already leaning above me, his hands gripping the stair railing beside the top of my head. I gulped, as he slowly brought one hand down to my face.

My body stiffened, waiting for him to slap me, grab my neck, punch me; anything physical. Instead, the back of his hand drew closer to my face, and ran softly across my cheek. My eye lids fluttered at his touch, the familiar rush coming back to me as soon as he placed his hand on me. His hands grazed down from my cheek, slowly running down to my neck. The last part of his body to touch me was the pad of his thumb, which slid cautiously, curiously across my marked collar bone. I felt his cold skin graze across the skin and I gasped silently. He didn't miss it, his eyes narrowing at the areas and flicking back to mine.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now