Chapter 89

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I wake up Thursday and my first thought is Harry.

I haven't seen him in just four days, and yet I already feel like my whole world has been ripped out from under me. This can't be healthy. I shouldn't be this emotionally attached to someone.

I curse myself, hating my own unhealthy addiction of the boy with the wild curly hair, and push my lonely body out of bed.

He called me last night again (at three in the morning much to my displeasure) and told me how he visited his job and saw his old boss. He told me that today he is going to visit his sister in the hospital. He didn't say anything about being nervous or scared. He actually he said he was just angry. But I know deep that he really does miss his sister and because of not seeing her for so long, he is probably shaking in those old leather boots of his.

Oh Harry.

As I ascend down the old wooden stairs, my mind starts to drift off again.

I don't remember because I was so busy that day, but had Zayn and Amy met up at the library on Monday? I never got a chance to ask her with worrying over Harry and doing my homework.

Shit. I have orchestra and lessons tonight. And that health project is due! A twenty slide PowerPoint on the bodies reaction to cocaine. And I haven't even started it.

Well, it looks like it's going to be another late night, again!

Thank god tomorrow is Friday and I don't have to worry about waking up early on Saturday. I plan on sleeping the whole flipping day, and no one is going to stop me.

I walk into the kitchen and my father is seated. He has a newspaper folded in between his large hands and he glances up from the article when he sees me.

"Well look who it is. How are you today honey?"

"Tired." I grumble and look down at my empty plate. It's glistening from the light of the ceiling fan.

I don't see Amy. Hmm. Odd...

"Has Amy had her breakfast?"

My mother is suddenly at my side and I gasp. Jeez mom, tell me when you're behind me!

"Oh no honey. She's not feeling very well. She has a minor fever and a stuffed nose. I told her to stay home. Maybe she can go see her mom."

I guess talking to her about the Zayn situation would have to be out on hold for today. At least I get my car to myself today. I don't have to sit through African tribal music any longer. My mind starts reeling from all the songs I can play from my iPod. I debate over my classic broadway tunes album or the Nirvana.

Wicked or Smells like Teen Spirit? Rent or Come as You Are?

Is this honestly what is consuming my thoughts?

Well fuck. Someone needs a life...

I wait for my mother to finish my breakfast. I make my way through my eggs and a side of grits rather quickly and grab myself a glass of orange juice and then run upstairs.

I get upstairs, set the citric juice on my dresser and grab a pair of jeans and my Ludo t-shirt. I haven't worn this since Harry dropped off Amy's jacket and we ended up making out on my staircase.

Wow. If you would have told me a few months ago that I would dating him, I would have slapped you across the face and then spit on you. I absolutely hated him back then. It amazes me that I'm actually even with him now. I guess I had no choice in this matter. Fate choose Harry for me, and now I'm stuck with him.

I smiled at the philosophical thought and shook my head.

I quickly dressed myself and went over to the mirror. I could always straightenmy hair, or curl it or do something interesting with it. Oh well. I'm lazy today.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now