Chapter 82

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I try to break free of Josh's grasp but he's too strong.

"You look good baby. You were always too fat for me before. You're legs are much sexier now."

His hands run down my back to my bottom. He squeezes it sharply and I gasp. Where the fuck is Harry?

"Please stop." I beg. He doesn't stop though. He's pushing me through the crowd and in just seconds, we're back against the wall and he's grinding into me.

His lips snack down my neck and I feel tears start to prickle down my cheeks as he bites me, making me his.

I'm about to scream but his hand covers my mouth. I remember this hand cupping my hand from another time. A flashback to the first party when I feel in the pool comes back. I only remember bits and pieces and I never saw the face, but I know now that it was Josh who had tried to rape me. And now I'm back in his disgusting grip yet again. I have no power.

I'm hopeless.

No one seems to notice him yank up my dress in the dark corner of the basement. I try my hardest to break free but his other hand is gripping both my hands above my head.

I close my eyes and try to ignore him, to let everything go. Maybe if I just relax and stop struggling, he'll let me go quickly and I won't have to suffer for very long.

"These stockings... You never dressed so sexy when you were with me. What's the dick got that I don't?"

Maybe a heart?

I feel his hand covering my mouth release it and slide to the band of my stockings. Oh no... Please don't...

"You dick!"

Suddenly I am released and I fall to the floor. I heard a groan and then the sound of a punch. I look up and see Harry on top of Josh, his fist connecting and disconnected with his cheek over and over.

"You think you're gonna touch her? You're gonna touch met girl? I'm going to fucking kill you, you fucking sick bastard!"

Josh tries to break free but Harry only hits him harder. There is a crowd forming and despite the obvious blood draining from Josh's face, they aren't doing anything to stop it.

I try to stand up but legs are numb, restraining me from moving. My back still fills the burn from Josh's nails digging into the skin. My mind is shooting blanks as I try to comprehend what just happened.

I finally realize what's going on and my only reaction is to scream.

"Stop!" I yell. The crowd turns to me and I blush. Jeez. Don't look at me!

Zayn and Niall come out from some unknown area and my first thought is Amy.

Where is she?

I push myself up and wobble through the crowd, trying to find her in the craziness.

"Ok, ok, get off him bro." I hear I think that boy Liam say as he enters the brawl.

Part of me wants to stay and help Zayn and his friends get Harry off Josh but the other part tells me I have to find Amy. She must be really scared and now the guilt of leaving her is really starting to hit me.

"Amy!" I call, and my voice is a high shriekish sound, almost like the victim in those old fifties horror movies. Shit. I need a drink.

"Amy!" I call again.

Finally I spot her brunette ponytail and run to her. I poke her and she turns around, a drink held loosely in her hand. Her eyes cross as I approach her. She giggles and starts to tip to her side.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now