Chapter 29

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Harry's POV:

"You're an ass." I laughed as Zayn passed me the football. I caught it between my long fingers, spun it around, and sent it flying back toward my cousin. He caught it and mirrored my actions.

"You know you want to. Just do it."

I froze once the ball landed in my hands. I looked down at it. I sent the ball flying toward him.

"Why? What would be the point? She doesn't want anything to do with me. She's probably afraid of me at this point."

"Oh come on. You fingered her, not killed her dog. Just message her. It's not hard. Whats the worst that could happen? She won't reply? Then maybe shes not worth it anyway. Most girls would die if you even touched them. You practically begged her to let you finger her. Thats major."

"Don't make it sound like that." My nose crinkled and Zayn threw the ball back to me. I sent it back immediately.

"I'm not desperate. I could have any girl I want. Don't think shes any different."

"But she clearly is. The fact you're even having to think about this proves that. I mean for fucks sake, you practically beat the shit out of me for just kissing her. You clearly like this chick. Its just a text; send it."

I weighed my options. Zayn had proven his point; Aurora did mean more to me than other girls. I wanted more than to just f.uck her, although I wanted that much more than I would like to admit. I didn't wish she had meant so much to me, for her sake more than mine, but I did and I couldn't change that. It was how felt, and you know what they say about emotions; you can't control them. It was either I made my move now or sit back wondering what could have happened for the rest of my life.

But on the flip side, what if she hadn't wanted anything to do with me after everything that happened on Friday? She had seen how angry I could get, and she saw how badly I fought for something when I wanted it. Did I scare her off? Would she be afraid to be with me?

I didn't want to date her, that much I knew, but I did want to f.uck her, and badly. God knows how many times I thought about her while I stroked myself in the shower. Her hands around me, her mouth on me.... I wanted her more than I had ever wanted anyone before, and I would have been lying if I said I constantly thought about f.ucking the s.hit out of her.

Maybe that's all I needed, is just to bed her, to have to suck me off or have her one time. Just once, so I could get her out of my system. This couldn't be anything more than lust. I had never loved someone more than myself, and I never could. It just was not possible. The only reason why I wanted this girl is so I can have sex with her. That was the only logical reason.

So that was what I was going to do. Now matter what it would take, I was going to have sex with that girl before the school year was out. I needed to; it was my mission

I passed the ball back to Zayn and he caught it, eyeing me with curiosity. He knew I was thinking about what he had said.

"So what's the verdict? What are you doing? Have you made up your mind?"

Zayn threw the football one more time and I caught it, clutching it firmly in my arms as I smirked at him.

"Oh, yeah. You have no idea what I have in store." I smirked before dropping the ball, spinning back around and heading up to the house.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon