Chapter 32

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"Amy, you look fine, let's go! Zayn is going to be here in like, three minutes!" I called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Zayn knows to wait for me!" She yelled back.

"Whatever, just hurry up!"

My patience was starting to run thin. Amy always took forever to prepare herself, and tonight was no exception. Zayn was going to be here soon, and even though he would wait for her, he probably wouldn't be happy about it. I know I'm not.

I tapped my index and middle fingers against my jeans and took a deep breath. My mind was racing; tonight would be my first real date with Luke, and I didn't want him to think I didn't care about him because we were late. I already had the feeling that Luke thought I didn't. Everyone seemed to know about Harry and I's little outburst in the hallway a few days ago, and I hoped that hadn't fogged Luke's perception of me. The last thing I needed was Luke questioning if I was serious about being with him. Harry and I were over, and I needed someone to distract me from Harry.

"Ok, I'm ready, calm d-" Amy was interrupted by a doorbell ringing.

"Oh good, Zaynie is here! Grab your purse and let's go!" Amy squealed as she swung open the door. Amy saw Zayn and gave him a small peck on the check. He blushed a bit seeing me there, but he didn't seem to be too upset. I could tell he secretly admired Amy's small display of affection. She had seemed to be his first girlfriend to treat him so kindly and respectably and not just for sex or popularity; they were cute together.

"You ladies ready to get going?" Zayn beamed at us. It was adorable how giddy one little hug from Amy was making him.

"Yes, indeed we are." Amy answered for the both of us.

"Alright, then let's go. Luke told me in the hall that he'd meet us up there at seven. We don't want to be late."

I furrowed my brows as I walked down my front porch steps. Since when did Zayn talk to a guy like Luke? He didn't seem like the type of guy to even want to have to associate with someone like Luke?

As if he was reading my thoughts, Zayn said, "He told me that when I was walking in the hallway with Amy. I was walking her to gym, and I guess he realized I was the 'Zayn' Amy had been talking about and he approached us. We got to talking; he's actually a pretty decent guy. The sweater vest worry's me a bit, but I think I can get past that eventually." He laughed.

"Well, let's get going. We don't want to be late!" Amy cheered, clapping her hands and skipping over to the door. Zayn and I both rolled our eyes in response and made our way over to the car.

I sat down and buckled myself in. Zayn turned some music on, and he and Amy immediately got lost in conversation. I looked out the window and started to think.

So much had changed in four weeks. Two Fridays from today, I had met the jackass who had ruined my car and also that knocked me down and refused to help me up. Later that night, I had witnessed him playing the guitar, and then we shared a very steamy make-out session on his bed. Two weeks later, he had gotten in a fight over me with his own cousin, and then fingered the girl he was fighting about. And now, I wasn't even talking to him.

Harry and I's relationship had been so bipolar and unstable and I was actually somewhat relieved it was over. We never worked well together, and it was simply becoming unreasonable to remain friends with him. I mean, the guy freaking fingers me- something I've never let anyone else do- and then he doesn't even have the decency to ask me out? That was very personal, if you ask me, and I was glad I could get out before I was in too deep.

But, the thought of him still made my chest ache furiously. I missed the way he held me that one night when I slept with him. I missed the minty taste only his lips emitted when he kissed me. I missed his breath-taking, raspy voice. I missed the small silver ring that hung perfectly from his soft pink lips. I missed his laugh. I missed just him.
It had only been four weeks of knowing the kid, and he was the only thing I could think about. He was the only person that could give me such a rush just by touching me. He had been the only person to ever really touch me at all. I knew that this need to be with him was unhealthy, but I just couldn't shake him away. He was stuck to me, in the most toxic way imaginable. And I didn't think he was leaving any time soon, as much as I hoped he would.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now