Chapter 36

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We pulled up to a very old diner, and I cringe. The sign in the front was held cherry red neon script. The flash was so bright that I couldn't look at it for more than a few seconds, and for that reason I was not able to comprehend what it said.

Harry stopped the car and looked over at me, but I wouldn't move. I didn't want to go anywhere with him; he completely disgusted me.

"Are you gonna get out or am I going to have to drag you out?" The asshole joked; I didn't laugh; I didn't even smile. I wanted to show him that the only thing he made me feel was frustration.

"Oh come on, talk to me, Aurora. I'm sorry, okay?"

"Why couldn't you just take me home like you promised? I really don't want to be with you." I answered honestly. Harry sighed.

"Because, I want to make you want to be with me. I want to prove that I can be a decent human being. I know that Luke is a good kid; I shouldn't have beaten him up. He was just touching you and... I overreacted. I don't want anyone touching you besides me. I know I'm stupid, and extremely jealous, but just give me another chance?"

I had never seen Harry so vulnerable. He was actually apologizing. I wasn't completely sure if he was because he meant it, or it was just part of his game. Either way, it was an apology, something he didn't do often. I decided to accept it.

"But why did you have to hit him? You broke his nose! And he only did it because I asked him to. You were all over that Regina girl and I wanted to make you jealous."

"So you do like me, then? I knew you couldn't resist me forever." Harry smirked.

"No, I didn't say that. I just said I wanted to make you jealous. You're hot, so obviously I'd be jealous." I said honestly, trying to hide the heat forming on my cheeks. I knew Harry was going to take that to his advantage, so I kept talking.

"But that did not give you the right to beat up Luke. Luke is honestly an amazing person and he didn't deserve that. You could have killed him, you know."

I was expecting some rude come back or defensive remark. He surprised me.

"Yeah, I know. I just hate seeing you happy with someone else. You told me that night in my room that I was the only one you wanted. I guess I just assumed that was still true. Obviously I was wrong." He turned his head so I couldn't see his face anymore. I bit my lip; seeing Harry so upset made me feel a bit of guilt. I changed the subject.

"Whatever, are we going inside or not? Otherwise, I want to go home." I attempted to cheer him up. Even though he was a complete jackass, the hormonal side of me took over; I felt kind of sorry for him.

"Really? But didn't you just say-"

"Yeah, I know. Hurry up before I change my mind." I cut him off. He spun his keys around his fingers and looked away.

"Okay, let's go." He was trying so hard to fight a smile, but I could still tell he was happy. Those dimples made it pretty hard for him to hide anything.

He climbed out of the car and ran over to my side and helped me to get out. He tried to take my hand in his, but I let it go. His face fell slightly, but he quickly readjusted.

When we walked into the diner, there were many waiters and waitresses talking and messing around towards the front of the establishment. They looked like seniors in high school or freshman in college. When they saw Harry, they all tensed and many of them fought over who was to come meet us. Finally, an older woman with her hair placed in a frizzy bun came over.

"Sorry about them, those kids are new here. The boss hired youngsters to try to liven up the place. Personally, I think they're all lazy-ass fools. They never do crude and I'm always forced to do their work for them and clean up their messes. Anyway, follow me. Your table is over here." The woman had a thick accent. I recognized it from somewhere... Was she from Alabama like my mother?

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now