Chapter 13

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When I got off the bus, Amy was already trotting along beside me.

'Of course.' I felt the urge to scream. Was it terrible that I didn't want her by my at my side all the time?

"So, you ready for the party tonight?" Her eyes sparkled in excitement. I wanted nothing more than to tip over. Just looking at her made me want to lie down and take a nap.

"Holy shit!"

'Here we go...'

"I'm so excited! Let me help you get ready! I can do your hair and makeup like last week! I'll make you look sexy again!"

'And wear those d.amn heels again? Is this b.itch high right now?'

"We gotta hurry up before Zayn gets here though because..."

"I'm not going with Zayn." I quickly interrupted her, stopping her rambling.

"Wait, so you're not coming to the party?" Her smile feel and she was looking at me with so much hurt in her eyes that you'd think I had just told her that her outfit looked off point.

"No, I didn't say that. I'm just not going with Zayn. Someone else is bringing me." Amy's eyes widened. Her hand clasped over her mouth. Why did she always have to overreact to every little thing?

"Oh my gosh! Who?!" She practically squealed.

I didn't know why, but something about her lately was starting to annoy me. She was always so peppy, and because I was so much of a pessimist, and add in my worry for tonight; I couldn't handle it anymore. She just needed to calm the heck down before I slap someone.

"Someone. Why does it matter who's bringing me?" I tried to sound as less annoyed as possible. I knew how sensitive she could be and I didn't want her running up to my room and sobbing all over my bed again. That left so many stains on my sheets and my mom almost killed me when she saw them.

"I don't know. I was just asking." She frowned.

'Oh great, here comes the waterworks...'

"What's up with you lately? You've been zoning out in class and in conversation, you've been a complete b.itch to me, and you're hanging out with Harry way too much. I thought I warned you to stay away from him?"

My already thin patience was starting to run low and I had to bite down on my lip to hold back what I wanted to say.

"You said you'd promise to stay away from him. You've been doing a s.hit job at it-"

"Why does it matter who I hang out with anyway? You hang out with Zayn and I don't judge you for it. Like honestly, Amy!" Now I was yelling, and by the way she turned away from me, I could tell she was about to cry.

'Shit.' I knew I screwed up with this one.

'Why can't I ever just keep my mouth closed like everyone else?'

She started walking faster and I didn't bother to catch up to her. To be completely honest, I had no interest in doing so. I didn't have the patience to deal with her crying. When Amy cried, you would have thought her mother died. She didn't know how to handle her emotions well; this had always been a flaw I was forced to deal with. After years of locker room drama and breakups, I had seen her highs and her definite lows. God knew I hadn't needed it today. I let her walk into the house and straight up the stairs, directly into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on moments later.

I rolled my eyes.

'Drama queen.'

I plopped myself down on the couch, allowing my feet to lay leisure on the coffee table. The house was completely silent besides the sound of running water from upstairs. I sighed; something about that lack of noise calmed me. I had way too many thoughts flooding my mind and I just needed to relax right now. I laid my head back against the back of the couch and looked forward, letting my mind wander.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now