Chapter 30

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The rest of the week went by surprisingly smoothly. Luke and I had walked from first to second period, and from second to third period class together every day. I hadn't realized we shared second period together when I had first glanced over his schedule at the church, but when he sat down next to me in Art II Honors on Monday, it was a pleasant surprise.

Amy had decided after Monday that she couldn't really handle school right now with everything going on in her life. She took Tuesday and Wednesday off, and by Thursday afternoon when I returned home from school and saw her lying on the couch in my room, I was growing a bit worried about her. She hadn't moved from her spot in three days. She looked as if she hadn't showered with her matted ambré locks thrown up in a sloppy bun. Her eyes held a constant pink shade, accenting the less than flattering set of bags set underneath them. A small blue throw blanket was wrapped around her even tinier body, almost as if she believed it was her only shelter from the obvious pain she had been feeling. It was a dark cloak shielding her from the everyday struggles of the outside world.

Finally on Friday, Amy retired her little indigo guard and awoke early to take a shower. She prepared an outfit from carefully selected pieces in my wardrobe. They were nothing too fancy considering it was my clothing, it was better than I could ever assemble.

We drove to school while her the 8Tracks playlist she had made for her, which gently buzzed in the background. She remained silent the majority of the time, only asking if she could change the song from time to time. Luckily, it wasn't a sorrowful silence like it had been the previous three days; she was simply just tired.

When I pulled into my spot and turned the engine off, I glanced back towards my best friend. Amy hadn't stirred; she kept her gaze forward on the football field in the distance, her lips pursed and her hands folded neatly in her lap. The music still hummed softly, filling the car with some top forty melody.

"You okay?" I asked. My voice was small as I tried to be as kind and comforting as possible. Who knew how emotionally stable she was at that moment.

"Yeah. I just need to get back to work, you know? Distract myself, I guess. Work will be good for me. Help me forget."

I didn't know how to respond, so I simply offered a gentle parting and made my way to first period. All week, I was worried that I would see Camille and Sabrina again, so I found a new route; the long way around the bathroom and past the gym, where I could then cut through the cafeteria, which was directly adjacent go the orchestra room. I learned that by taking this new path, the two girls would have already made their way to their classes, and I wouldn't have to worry about Sabrina threatening me again.

First and second periods went by relatively handsomely, and by relatively, I meant relative to the time spent with Harry. Luke and I passed the majority of second period catching each other up on our lives. We kept the conversations light, but it wasn't as if we were really trying that hard; the conversation was simple and it flowed. I liked how easy everything was with Luke; he was kind, and very gentle. He wasn't constantly making small digs at me, unlike a certain curly-haired tattooed English boy had.

I had almost completely forgotten about Harry by the time we made it to third period on Friday. Because Harry had been M.I.A. for the past several days, I was just starting to move on from his antics, and also focusing on my budding relationship with Luke.
As we walked into third period, Luke gave me a simple hug before he walked over to the other side of the room and sat down. I also took my seat, a smile spread decently thick across my slightly Chapsticked lips. Luke's hugs were a breath of fresh air. I didn't feel uncomfortable when him touched me. He smelled good; an odd mix of lavender and aftershave. I had asked where the lavender came from, and he said it was his mom's idea; apparently lavender calms people and helps a lot with making a good first impression? I hadn't understood it either, but I shook my head and returned a warm grin at the thought of Luke telling me this. I approached my seat and I settled in, thinking that it was a strange combination, but it was also a bit relieving. Maybe his mother had something going there, with the whole relief idea.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now