Chapter 50

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"Well, this is odd. Mr. Styles and Ms. Goodman aren't giving me the great welcome by their usual morning bickering." Mr. Lawerence announced as he strolled into third period on Monday.

Harry and I had been texting the previous night before, and we both agreed to not argue in class. Mr. Lawerence probably hated me, and I needed to get on his good side.

"That's a shame though, I'm going to miss it. It was my own little soap opera." He snapped his fingers, closing his eyes and shaking his head while mouthing the word "darn." His teasing made the rest of class giggle, which only made me cross my arms over my chest, embarrassed.

"Well, anyway, just a reminder. Essays are due this Friday as soon as you walk inside the classroom. No excuses. Besides that, I really don't have a lesson plan. But, we are going to start reading. Come up to the front of the classroom so I can distribute the novels."

He took a seat behind the table in the front of the classroom and picked up a box. There were small, navy blue books piled up inside. I couldn't make out a title, but it was probably some boring Shakespeare play, though if it were Romeo and Juliet, I wouldn't mind it. It is my favorite novel.

The class started lining up, and Harry took the spot behind me. Luckily, Zayn and Amy were far behind us and talking so they didn't see us.

"I can't stop thinking about our little date on Friday kitten." Harry whispered into the back of my neck, causing the small hairs to stand straight up.

"Harry, stop it. Nobody can know about us, remember?" I turned my head slightly, whispering just loud enough so only he could hear me.

"Oh, stop it. Nobody knows shit. Just calm down. Or maybe I need to take you to the loo and calm you down myself?"

Harry's suggestive attitude was starting to worry me. Ever since I agreed to go out with him, he's been hitting on me constantly. What if he just wants sex from me? I mean, I doubt that, but at the same time; he is Harry and from it sounds like, he gets around a lot. What if I'm just some fling to him?

"Harry, please. Back off of me." I warned.

He removed himself from my personal space and stepped backward.

The line started to grow shorter and shorter, and soon I was at the front of it.

"Name." Mr. Lawrence flatly spoke.

"Goodman." I responded.

He smiled up, giving me a book.

"Well, at least you guys can stand next to each other and not rip each others heads off. I guess the trouble has been removed in your paradise?"

Mr. Lawrence did have an odd way of putting things, but that's what made him a good teacher. His odd sayings and random questions would always keep me on my feet. I have never been so alert than when I was in his class.

"Um, well there is no paradise to be troubled. Me and Harry are not and never were dating." I answered honestly. I mean we weren't dating yet. Were we?

"Oh, it just the way that you two look at each other I thought... Sorry about that. Carry on. Next." He continued and Harry stepped up.

Before I could turn around to head back, I managed to catch a glimpse of his appearance. His pierced eyebrows were furrowed and he held his small, silver lip ring between his front teeth. His fists were clenched at his side. He was probably mad that I denied Mr. Lawrence of being in relationship with him. Either that, or he was embarrassed. Who knew with Harry's anger what he was thinking.

I quickly walked away and took my seat. I checked the time on the wall.


The period would be ending in 3 minutes. How could class be over that quickly? The class can't be that big...

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