Chapter 95

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Harry's POV:

"Harry, wake up." Something shakes my shoulders.

"Wha, what's,"

"You have to get up Harry, the nurses to replace Gemma's morpheme bags."

I spin around and find Anne crouching down to speak to me. I turn my head in confusion, surveying my surroundings.

My hands are still locked around Gemma's arm. There is a nurse standing at the end of the bed, looking rather irritated.

"Sorry." I grumble and unlace my hands from my sibling.

I lift myself up and step back. The nurse pushes past me and starts unhooking wires and tubes. I turn to Anne, who is rubbing her face. She must be so tired.

"How long have we been here?" I ask her.

"We've been here since yesterday. You feel asleep while you were in here with her so we just let you be. We slept in the family lounge. Jay is about to take the kids home so they could change and eat."

"She's all good. I'll be back in about an hour to check her vitals." The nurse tells Anne and my mother thanks her. The woman grabs her clipboard and then leaves, letting the wooden door close on it's own.

"Do you want to go home for a bit? That way you can wash up and get some food in your system. You haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday, and that was just a muffin."

"Sure." I yawn. My back is feeling pretty shitty. Kneeling against a crappy hospital bed isn't the best way to sleep.

I follow her out and we walk through the swanky, hotel-like hallways until we return to the normal unit.

"Take the keys and turn the car on. You know your way out right?"

"Yep." I sigh.

I grab the keys from her tan hand and leave her.

The parking deck is filled with a wide assortment of cars. I forgot to grab my glasses today and I didn't put my contacts in so I can't really see. I try to scope out my mum's BMW.

"Jesus." I whisper and squint my eyes.

"Harry?" A familiar voice calls and I spin around.

From what I can see with my shitty vision, it's that girl from the bathroom at the bakery.

"What are you doing here?" She asks and starts walking over to me.

"Uh, my sister is sick so I came to see her. Are you sick or something?"

"Why would you ask that?" Now she is directly in front of me, and I can see her holding a brown bag.

"I had an ultrasound appointment."

"Oh, that's nice." I try to sound as interested as possible, but to be honest, I don't really give a shit. That's not my baby inside of her. Thank fucking Christ.

"My fiancé is inside. He's taking a piss."

"Fiancé?" I'm finding it hard to believe that this girl is even pregnant, let alone engaged. She can't look any older than me.

"Yeah, I thought I told you. Me and Jon are getting married. Remember? You were like best friends with him."

"Really? Why are getting married to that dick?" I don't even realize what I'm saying until I see the disappointment on her face and I know it's too late.

"He is the father of my child. I don't really have much of a choice. And he's not that bad once you get to know him."

"Ha. What a joke. I knew him, a lot better than most people. Believe me, he's one of the biggest dicks I know." I scoff while rolling my eyes.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now