Chapter 33

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Before Harry saw me, I ran over to our lane. My heart was beating heavily and my head was pounding. I could feel my face reddening and my fingers were digging into the ball I was holding. I was squeezing it so hard that if I was any stronger, it would have cracked in half.

How could he come here? The place where I told him I was going on a date with Luke? With that slut? Well, I couldn't really call her a slut, I honestly never met her or even saw her face at all. But if she dumb enough to agree to go on a date with Harry, she had to be one.

I walked over to the lane, narrowed my eyes and flung the ball down the wooden strip. I didn't even care if I scored or not, all I could think about was throwing the ball at Harry instead. I pictured the ball whipping into his face and knocking that gorgeous boy out. I could feel myself smirking as I took my seat. My fists were still clenched but the picture of Harry being injured made me relax slightly.

"Wow, you okay?" Luke asked hesitantly as he took the seat next to mine. He placed his hand on my fist but quickly took it back.

"Aurora, you're burning up! And your face is red. Is something bothering you? You are sick?" Luke's eyes searches mine in desperation. I bite my lip, looking away.

God, why did he have to be so nice? Doesn't he realize when a girl is pissed, you leave her alone?

"No, I'm fine. Just great." I growled.

"Um, okay. Anyway, I'm leaving now to get us some drinks. Do you want anything?" I could tell by his voice he was probably only leaving to escape me.

"Water's fine, thanks." I tried my best to smile at him. We were on a date; I didn't want him thinking I was pissed at him. He didn't deserve that.

As soon as he left, I pulled out my phone from my purse and searched through my contacts. I found Harry's and pressed the small blue button that read "send new message".

I quickly typed: Meet me at the bathroom. Now.

As soon as I sent it, I instantly felt guilty. Luke would be back at any moment, and I would feel horrible leaving him here alone. But, I needed to confront Harry about this. He didn't get to ruin my night with Luke. He could fuck with me, but Luke didn't deserve it.

I looked over at Amy and Zayn. It was Amy's turn and she was having a hard time throwing the ball because of her small arms so Zayn was holding on waist, balancing her. They were both laughing uncontrollably. Zayn was saying something along the lines of, "come on baby, it's not that hard! I've got you; just roll it down the lane!" I couldn't help but smile. They were honestly the cutest couple I'd ever seen. I was almost calmed completely by seeing them acting like this until I remembered why I was so mad to begin with. I immediately felt the anger rush back.

I waited for Luke to return, and then I took a sip from my drink and told him I had to go to the bathroom. He looked confused but agreed. I ran over to the other side of alley and past the booth. I heard the creepy man behind the counter yell something at me but I ignored it. All I could think about was how aggressively I was going to beat the shit out of Harry when I saw him.

I finally made my way to the restroom area but no one was there. My phone was still in my hand so I looked at it, searching for any messages.


I was about to text him again when I heard the familiar sound of boots coming toward me. My heart started pounding as it came closer. I saw a familiar set of green eyes staring down at me , with a evil smirk to pair along with them. And I saw those dimples. Those god damned dimples.

"You texted me?" Harry spoke. There was so much humor in his voice and I wanted to slap him. But instead, I flipped my hood on my jacket above my head and yanked him inside the bathroom.

"Wow, in a bathroom? You must be really desperate, aren't you kitten?"

"Shut up. You don't get to fuck around with me. I'm beyond pissed at you. Why are you here?" I tried to be as intimidating as possible, clenching my jaw and flaring my nostrals. His smirk growing on his annoyingly perfect face only told me he was enjoying this.

"I asked you a question, answer me!" I yelled.

"Okay, okay, calm your pretty little tits. Why can't I be here? This is a free country isn't it? At least that's what they told me when I came here, alone with high taxes and shitty health benefits."

Why couldn't he take me seriously for one second?

"No, you know exactly what I mean. Here. Now. When you knew me and Luke were on a date. What do you want from me? Money? What can I give you that will make you stop with these fucking games?"

He laughed and stepped closer.

"Well, there is one thing..." He smirked as placed a hand on my waist. I jumped back.

"Get off of-"

"Calm down, I'm joking . Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not here for you. I'm on a date too. Now if you don't mind, I have to get back to Ms. Regina." He started to walk over to the door, but I stopped him.

"Regina? Regina who?" Something was building in the bottom of my stomach. My fists were clenched again and I could feel the skin being ripped on my palms. I ignored the pain though, I was furious.

"Why the fuck do you care? You told me to leave you alone, and I am. You're the one who texted me to meet you here, and you're the one asking me questions of who I'm dating." I felt my cheeks heat. A slow grin formed on his lips.

"Wait, are you jealous?" Now he was smirking even wider. I hated how much he was amused by me getting angry.

"No, I just don't think it's fair that you're here. You're going to fuck everything up with Luke. Now answer my question!"

He rolled his eyes, and laid himself back on the tiled walls. His arms were crossed and he had one foot up against the old subway tile.

"Regina." He said as he shook his head and removed the curls from his vision. If I wasn't so pissed at him, I would have fucked him right there. The way he was watching me so intently, my insides were doing somersaults. Jeez, why did everything he did always look so sexy? His amount of sex appeal honestly wasn't fair.

"Come on, tell me." I forced myself to look into his perfect eyes, trying to make him give it up

"Fine. Regina Morgan."

"What?" I stepped back, baffled.

Regina Morgan was literally the most innocent person in the school. She was a hardcore Christian, had the highest GPA, and she was the founder of the "VFL Club". VFL stands for Virgins for Life. She even came up with its catch-phrase, "protect the gift The Lord gave you."

Harry would surely ruin her.

"What do you mean what? Why can't I date her? I have every right to date whoever the fuck I want to whenever the fuck I want to you. Why can't you ever just mind your own business?" I could tell he was trying to scare me, but I knew he was also doing this because he knew what I was thinking. And he knew I was right.

"Harry, out of every girl in the whole school, you chose her? You know all you're going to do is screw her over!"

He smirked, and started walking over to the door. He placed his hand on the handle and turned around to face me.

"Hmm, screw her. Not such a bad thought. Thanks for that idea, I'll be sure to use it. Now, if you don't mind, I have to go. See you around, kitten." He winked then strolled out of the bathroom, leaving me alone and wondering what the fuck just happened and still extremely jealous.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now