Chapter 28

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On Monday, Amy and I drove my car to school. The familiar feel of the suede covering the steering wheel made me feel just a bit more relieved. The return to normalcy gave me some faint hope; maybe now my life was finally going back to the way it was, pre-bad boys, and pre-broken cars.

I parked my white Prius in the spot I had rented from the school over the summer. I would be using this spot all year. It was rare for a junior to be able to snatch a spot in the senior lot, considering there were already so many seniors that had been complaining that they had never received a spot. Of course, my parking spot was located at the back of the lot, but I could care less. If it meant I did not have to deal with the annoying freshmen that somehow always managed to squeeze to the back of the school bus, and screamed so loud that everyone from the back up to the driver had to endure it with pursed lips- it was a nice change. I already had to deal with Harry; I didn't want to have to have any added immaturity to my daily routine.

Amy and I walked inside the building and parted goodbyes as we both headed off to first period classes. As I was walking to the orchestra room, two girls took the spots on either side of me. I tried not to be alarmed. I recognized them from the party. One of them was that Zayn's friend, Louis' girlfriend and the other was Liam's girlfriend. No wonder why Louis had called her a slut. Today she sported a jean mini-skirt that just covered the bottom of her bottom and a belly shirt that showed just up to the bottom of her breasts, (which obviously were having a bit of help from a bombshell bra; no one's boobs are naturally that big). Her hair was parted to the side and looked even blonder than it had the other night. Her makeup was plastered all over her skin. She looked like she was about to go on a job interview to Hooters. Stereotypical cheerleader; it was girls like her that made me fear my generations fate. What ever happened to a little decency? What happened to not only respect for everyone else, but a your own body? Not to be the typical religious girl, but just because the Lord gave you the gift of beauty, does not necessarily mean he wanted you to flaunt it. Now, I was all for that old saying, 'shake what your momma gave ya', but to what extent should people take it to? Was public nudity going to become the new societal norm?

Louis' girlfriend still had her bright red hair, but it was faded slightly. She wore a lip ring with small spikes at the ends and a pair of jeans with a Rolling Stones t-shirt on top. Finally, she finished the outfit with a pair of brown combat boots. See, now that outfit, I could have dealt with. It was a little too Tumblr girl for me, but it was far better than Ms. Playboy Bunny that was stood next to her. What was her name again? Camille?

"Hey Aurora." The red-haired girl introduced the pair.

"Haven't seen you in a while."

"Hey Camille." I replied, incredibly nervous, hoping that was indeed her name. Why were these two talking to me?

"So, you're with Harry now?" A high, squeaky voice struck me. I felt my checks growing a light shade of crimson, darkening with each passing moment. I looked down at my feet, trying to avoid the question.

After a few moments of awkward silence, the blonde repeated the question, sounding more agitated than before.

"No, I'm not." I answered honestly. I wasn't nor will I was every going to be with Harry. He was too much unnecessary baggage for me.

"So him fucking you doesn't mean that you're with him? I mean, I've heard of causal one-night stands, but we seem a bit young for that. Well you do, anyway." She smirked.

"Sabrina! Shut the fuck up!" Camille swatted at her, making her Sabrina's grin only grow that much wider.

"What? It's the truth."

How could she know what me and Harry had done together? Had he told people?

"How did you-"

"Oh, don't you worry, sweetheart. Harry didn't say shit to us. I was just bluffin'. But obviously, I didn't even need to. You two must have done something by the way you're looking at me. Just a fair warning, make sure Harry wears a condom. God only knows how many girls he's been with. I could be the first to tell you that." She took a piece of her hair and twirled it around her long nails. I felt a surge of anger rush through me. Why was she so rude to me? Had she had a previous relationship with Harry? I would understand if she had dated, and she was protecting what she at least believed to be her's. I would do the same, if I had cared enough about someone to do that.

"Well," Her eyes fell out of focus with mine and she turned to someone else walking in the hall. She started to saunter towards a boy down the hall, and then turned back to me, only half engaged in our conversation.

"Gots to go. Toddles." She almost laughed, pulling an awe-struck Camille away as she obnoxiously waved. Camille turned around one last time, looking extremely apologetic.

I walked into the orchestra room, walking over to the instrument lockers and pulled my violin out. My head was spinning. Was Sabrina going to tell everyone that Harry and I had sex, even though we what we did was barely even sexual? Would she hold it over my head until she needed something? I didn't know much about the tall blonde, but I could tell that she would most likely use anything in her power to hold her claim over Harry.

"I could be the first to tell you that." Her high-pitched words played over and over in my head. Had she really had sex with him, or was she just bluffing again?

I continued to push myself forward, my legs shaking aggressively from nerves as I made my way over to the front of the section. I sat down, and got the music out from my folder. I had brought it home to make some copies for a small violin class I taught for community service hours. Orchestra music worked well for my students. I played the real music while they sight-read through it, and then they brought it home, supposedly practiced it, and the next lesson I would start off with a real recording of the song, and have them play it after that. If it sounded like they knew the song enough, I would let them move on to a harder piece, maybe a solo piece that I had inherited through years of playing, and if they sounded as if they had been seeing the piece for the first time, I made them work on it again until they got it perfect.

My director eyed me curiously and I turned away, confused. His finger twirled at the podium in the front and sighed, forcing a fake smile and nodded back to him. I worked my way up to the podium and tripped slightly on the small stair at the bottom of the damn thing, causing me to almost drop my violin.

"Fuck." I whispered softly. I glanced at the director to make sure he hadn't heard the offense, but I saw that he was too preoccupied with his little tablet. I knew I was safe; he was most likely looking over some orchestra score.

Sabrina's words were the only thing filling my mind as I took the spot on the directors podium. I raised my violin to my chin, looked back at the bass section, and got to work.

This was going to be a long rehearsal.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now