Chapter 57

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"I can't do this. I can't do this. I mean I literally can't do this. What if they think I'm bad? What if I screw up? God I can't. I have college scouts watching me! If I screw this up, I'm fucked!"

Amy grabbed my hand.

"Aurora, you're going to do fine. You've worked for months on this. You've got this. Now go out there and show everybody how good you are. I have to go back to my seat. Good luck."

She left the room so it was just me and the rest of the orchestra.

"Excited?" The conductor asked as he slapped my back.

"I wish. I'm actually really nervous."

"Don't be. Believe me, you're going to do perfect."

"Oh I don't know about that..."

"Stop. Believe me when I'm telling you you'll be fine. I've taught at many music schools, traveled all of the world, played with some of the top players and conducted many of the best in the business, but I can honestly say I've never seen anyone with as much natural, raw talent as you. You have this amazing tendency to play perfectly even if you do screw up. You're ability to improvise is impeccable, and that skill is incredibly hard to find that in young musicians now in days, especially in strings. Most kids only stick to what their taught, play note-by-note. Everything is so exact.

"You're better than that. You have this amazing ability to actually become emotionally invested into the piece, and are able to play it, even if you don't know every note. I see it, and those college scouts will see it too. Believe me, you're going to be great out there."

I thanked him softly, and he walked off the talk to the rest of the orchestra members. His "pep-talk" actually had calmed me, and I knew I was ready.

People started clearing the room, so I waited for everyone to leave. I was to be the last person to enter the stage before the director, because I was playing the solo.

"And now, I would like to introduce you to our very own Aurora Goodman!"

I took walked up the narrow staircase that lead to the stage.

I saw the bright lights of the stage lights, and took a deep breath.

The crowd erupted in cheers, and I bowed, knowing that I was finally at home.


I took my last step of the dark, dusty staircase and was immediately greeted by tons and tons of friends and family.

"Ary! You did amazing! There was not a dry eye in the house!"

My mother ran across the room, pulling me into her grasp.

"Mom, stop. You're going to break the violin."

She pulled back apologizing.

I continued greeting and thanking many people for coming, some of which I didn't even know.

Suddenly a man in a business suit approached me. He had a leather briefcase in his left and held out his right for my to shake. I placed my instrument down on the table next to me and took it.

"Hello, Ms. Goodman?, correct?" His voice was rather deep, and he had a thick British accent. I wondered if he came from the same area of England that Harry had.

"Yes, yes. I'm terribly sorry, I have been meeting so many people. Are you one of my family members? A family friend?"

He chuckled lightly and shook his bald head.

"No no. In fact, I am not actually related to you in the slightest. My main reason for attending tonight's performance is to talk to you about your education. Have you considered thinking about attending university for something in the musical career?"

I was speechless. This man had actually come here tonight to recruit me for a college. I tried to hide my shaky hands behind my back.

"Yes, yes of course! Are you from a college?"

He nodded.

"Yes actually. I am the musical department advisor for Manchester University. I admit, I was a slight bit hesitant coming all the way across the pond to see some random teenager playing the violin, but I knew I made the right decision tonight. Tell me, what schools are in your top choices?"


"Thank you, so much really. This means the world to me, I will definitely consider Manchester. Thank you."

I shook the mans hand one last time and watched as he walked away. As soon as he left, my parents ran up to me and started asking me what had happened.

"Who was that? Was he from a college?" My father begged. He had been hoping I got some, as he put, "nibblers", or people liking what they saw from me and asking me to attend their college.

"Yes! He was from Manchester University! That's one of the most prestigious music schools in the U.K.! He told me if I went to his school, he'd be able to get me a full ride!"

My father cheered at the last part, being so glad he wouldn't have to pay a cent.

"Well, screw it being a school night, let's go out and celebrate!" My mother cheered.

She called Amy over, and Amy helped me to pack up my violin and get ready to go.

As we were walking out of the parking lot, I thought I saw a tall boy with a curly mop of hair jogging to a car. Had Harry come to see my performance?

I pushed the question in my mind away as I climbed into the car, getting even more praises for the concert.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now