Chapter 17

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My eyes were practically rolling on the ground by the time I was able to process everything going on in front of me because the shock was consuming me so greatly.

There was a massive circle made around the huge pool; a titanic collaboration of students, high school and a few lower classmen from different colleges. I had never seen an actual fight before, (I had never taken an interest in school fights), and I honestly didn't know what to think of all of this. Was it proper etiquette to just stand back and watch, or should I try to sort things out? Was I supposed to jump in the middle and stop it, or just let it continue?

'What the f.uck is going on?'

Regardless of what I was supposed to do, only one thought was stirring around my mind, despite being nearly fully inebriated. Finding Amy and making sure she is safe- considering the last time I saw her, she was holding a red solo cup- was my top priority. I ran down the steps, looking for my slightly smaller friend. I spotted and ran to her side that same moment. She was crying, (not that I was really surprised about that fact), as she screamed towards the middle of the crowd.

"Stop!" Her voice would have blended in with the rest of the chanting group if it weren't so high-pitched.

"Stop it! What the f.uck?!"

"Amy," My hand caught her shoulder and she spun on the spot. The moment she saw me, her arms were around my neck. I did the only thing I could think of and slowly brought my own around her shaking body.

"God, what's wrong? What's going on?" I attempted to yell into her disheveled hair, avoiding the colossal group of chanting teens. I couldn't see over the crowd to make out who was actually doing the alleged fighting.

"Well," Amy pulled back and cleared her throat. I gulped hearing that terrible sound. She didn't seem to notice my discomfort and after wiping her nose with the sleeve of what I assumed was Zayn's jacket, she told me whatever information she could offer me.

"Harry came outside and he said that he was looking for you. He said he wanted to apologize or something... That he had felt bad about what he said to you? And Zayn told him that you ran inside and that you had hit on him. And then Harry got all mad and starting yelling at him... And, god! Zayn just started yelling and then Zayn told Harry that he didn't deserve you and that you'd rather just f.uck him once and be done with him... And Harry... Well, he lost it and there was punching and so much blood and... I can't! I can't watch this anymore! They just won't stop! I've been trying to stop them but they just won't!"

Guilt ran thicker through my blood than the beer corroding my veins. How could I have hit on Zayn? How could I have been so reckless as to hurt Amy, Zayn, and most of all Harry?

I knew Harry was going to hate me after this. I knew there was no way he would recover after this, not after seeing angry he could turn even if I just turned down his d.amned car radio. He would never want to be my friend, let alone talk to me. And not to mention that now the bullying would only be worse. I had to stop the fighting if I wanted at least some sort of a chance at salvaging the dying friendship we never seemed to keep a proper hand on.

Quickly, I pushed and yanked past the vast masses of people and maneuvered my way over to the side of the pool.

A thought of just how Zayn could fit- let alone invite this many people to this thing- was trying to gnaw at me, pulling me away from the task at hand. I knew this was my mind's way of trying to bring down my rapid pulse, but I also knew that I had a job I needed to handle. I had caused this, now it was my turn to turn things around as well. I directed my attention back to the brawling cousins.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя