Chapter 23

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Amy and I got home from the mall, our arms weighed down with several bags of clothes, shoes, and other random crap that I could honestly say I had no interest in. Amy had only gotten that one outfit she tried on earlier in the day, claiming that she already had everything she needed to look fabulous. But me? She told me, "we have some work cut out for us."

We had spent the whole day roaming through stores, trying clothes and shoes on and just doing what 'normal' girls do. Or rather, what Amy normally did; I just tagged along and watched.
Usually I hated shopping. I loathed the patience you have to have while walking around and trying to find the right thing to buy. It would usually take me forever. Whenever my mom always wanted to take me shopping, I refused. It was a waste of my time, if I was to be honest. I had no interest in anything pertaining to clothes or anything of the sort. But shopping with Amy was actually kind of nice. Even though we must have spent four hours in just Macy's alone, time seemed to fly by. Amy had helped me pick out stuff that flattered my shape while also looking fantastic at a cheap price. As long as I had saved money, I didn't mind.

My mom would normally have been furious with me using her debit card, but I knew she wouldn't be for today's trip considering I had actually gotten a lot of new clothes, something she had been pestering me about for ages. Amy said I looked like a new woman and that all the guys would want me. I had rolled my eyes when she had told me that, but in the back of my mind I knew I did not want all the guys to want me. I only wanted one boy to want me, and that fact alone scared me shitless. I had been thinking about him all day. I was constantly replaying images of us over and over. Every time I would see a couple holding hands or hugging, or even kissing, my heart would seem to crack just a little bit more.

I wanted desperately to be in that kind of relationship with him, but I knew I never would be. Even if I had given him a chance, he would have never done that stupid 'p.d.a' thing with me. He just wasn't that type of guy. But I still couldn't help wondering what could have been. That is, if I hadn't fucked it all up.

"Aurora? Hello?" My mother asked.

"Oh, hi mom. I was just... Thinking." I looked at my hands, shook my head, and then hid my uncertainty with a smile.

"How was your day with dad at the strawberry festival?"

Every year my mom and dad would travel down to Pennsylvania for the week and go to the "Strawberry Festival", as well as to see some family there. I used to go with them until puberty hit and all of a sudden the last thing I wanted to do was spend time with the couple that was known to sing 80's classics with the windows rolled down for everyone to hear. Bruce and mom didn't blend well.

Although I hated how irritating they could be at times, I did miss how close my parents and I used to be. We used to do everything together. I used to depend on my parents for just about everything. But somewhere along the way, the 'apron strings were cut' and now all I seemed to want to do is stay home and play my violin, or go on Tumblr.

"Oh, darlin'!" Mom pulled my into a firm hug. I patted her softly, trying to ignore how annoyed I was with her for holding me so tightly. She didn't seem to notice.

"It was great! Your father and I had a fantastic time! We sang and danced and walked around and saw all the little shops that were set up! Your father even took part in the strawberry pie eating contest! Well, until he got sick and we had to go home. You know your father- too many strawberries and he's sicker than a wet dog in a hail storm." She shook her head regretfully. I felt myself smirking at her. Most people would not have understood my mom's strange analogies, but because I had lived with her for almost seventeen years, I understood them well. If there was anyone who could whip out a classic one-liner, it would have been my mother.

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